Page 31 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 31

Policy No. 119 – Prohibition of Bullying
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale is committed to providing all members with a safe and civil environment and will not tolerate any form of bullying at any Club activity on or off Club property.
Bullying shall mean any written, electronic, verbal or physical act that willfully harms another.
Aggravated bullying shall mean willful harm motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental disability, physical disability, appearance or socioeconomic status.
Staff and volunteers who observe an act of bullying are expected to take immediate, appropriate steps to intervene. If the staff member or volunteer believes his/her intervention has not resolved the matter, they shall report it to his/her supervisor and document the incident in writing. The Club Director or appropriate staff member will inform the parent/guardian of any member who was observed as a victim or perpetrator of bullying if the issue has not been appropriately resolved. Depending on the frequency and severity of the conduct, intervention, counseling, correction, discipline and/or referral to law enforcement will be used to remedy the impact on the victim and change the perpetrator’s behavior.
Policy No. 120 – Member Injury & Illness Reporting
If a member gets injured or becomes ill, staff should address the situation immediately in a caring and professional manner. Injuries or illnesses should only be discussed with appropriate parties such as branch management, parents/guardians, administration and emergency medical staff (if applicable).
1. Assess the Situation: If a member injury or illness occurs, immediately and appropriately care for the member and give whatever first aid is available and necessary.
If the injury or illness is beyond the scope of care that can be administered by BGCS, such as excessive bleeding, unconsciousness, head or neck injury, seizure or other serious situation, DO NOT move the child and call 911 and the member’s parents/guardians, immediately.
2. Secure the Area of Injury: If there should be blood, liquids, or damaged property, keep other staff and members away from the area by blocking it off until maintenance or the authorities can address it.
3. Contact Branch Management Staff: Notify the full-time staff member in charge of the facility immediately and the Branch Director, Youth Development Supervisor or senior branch person in charge by phone if they are not at the location at the time of accident.

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