Page 42 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 42

Policy No. 209 – In Club Volunteer Protocol
 A Boys & Girls Clubs volunteer is defined as anyone who willingly gives of their time to help the Club accomplish its mission and without receiving compensation for their efforts from Boys & Girls Clubs. All volunteers must be 14 years or older. Individuals under the age of 14 are not considered volunteers, but members of the Club; therefore, they must have a current BGCS membership.
Individuals 14+ can volunteer and are subject to the volunteer guidelines. The volunteer must be officially approved and enrolled by our organization before performance of any task or interaction with members. There is a formal application and approval process that must be completed and documented as eligible for Club engagement which includes a background check. This includes court appointed volunteer requests. Court appointed volunteer opportunities are up to the discretion of the branches – Clubs are not required to grant volunteer requests.
Volunteers are expected to follow Club policies and procedures especially when interacting with Club members. Violation of organizational policy and procedures can result in immediate termination of the volunteer privilege. Volunteers should not be alone with members for any reason in order to protect themselves and the Club. A staff member will always be present in the area with volunteers.
Employment Agreement
Policy No. 210 – Changes to Standard Employment Practices
The organization wishes to maintain legal and consistent employment practices among all Club branches. Any proposed changes to such practices must be communicated to Human Resources before implementation. This is to ensure that the proposed changes are lawful, can be implemented at all Club locations, and do not violate documented policies (i.e., employee handbook).
Examples of employment practices could include, but are not limited to:
• Job qualifications either for hire or retention as an employee
• Existence or duration of lunch or break times
• Significant schedule changes (decrease or increase in schedule as result of outside factors)
• Disciplinary/corrective actions
• Dress code rules

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