Page 99 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 99

Member Discipline
   SOP REFERENCE #: 117.1
Policy 117: Member Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Action
 Policy 118: Member incident Documentation
Members of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale are expected to conduct themselves according to the Code of Conduct defined by our FIVE Core Values: Integrity, Collaboration, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence (ICARE). Staff are responsible for supporting behaviors that uphold the values, as well as, redirecting behavior that violates these values. In the instance where members are unable to self-direct, staff intervention may become necessary and member effective guidance and discipline is expected.
Branch Staff
Inappropriate behavior by a member must be addressed by a staff person
 with the goal of allowing him/her to correct the inappropriate behavior. Using
 youth development principles of positive reinforcement, verbal guidance,
 and choice, the member should be instructed to choose appropriate
 behavior. If the member refuses and/or continues to behave inappropriately,
 it will be necessary to provide consequences:
 The youth should be addressed individually and not in front of peers
 or others, making sure to follow one-on-one contact policies. The
 conversation should be respectful and provide clear expectations for
 positive behavior. Be sure to provide an opportunity for the member to
 explain what they are doing and acknowledge that they understand
 the behavior is inappropriate.
 Staff must explain the consequences of the behavior and ask the
 member if s/he has any questions or needs further explanation. The
 consequence should include a time frame and the action required.
 Depending on the severity, the youth may be returned to the group or be
 immediately removed to deescalate the matter. There may be the
 addition of other personnel to close to the matter (YDS, TDS, Branch
 Director). The incident should be documented and placed in the file of
 the member, including the consequences prescribed for the action. If
 behavior is severe and/or a pattern exists (3 major behavioral incidents
 in a 3-month period), the parent/guardian must be informed upon pickup
 so they can support the needed behavior changes.
Unacceptable behavior includes:
• behavior that obstructs, disrupts, or interferes with a positive
program experience for all Club members
• behavior that endangers or threatens the safety of any Club member,
staff, or volunteer

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