Page 100 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
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     • behavior that inflicts or threatens to inflict damage on property of Club members, Club employees or the Club’s facilities and/or vehicles
3. Zero Tolerance For the safety of the child(ren), our staff and volunteers, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale has a Zero Tolerance Policy for the following offenses:
• Bringing a weapon to the Club
• Appearing impaired or under the influence of a substance
• Bringing drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or paraphernalia products to the
• Excessive Harassment/Bullying of other members, staff, or
• Inappropriate touching of any kind
• Any pending legal charges based on any of the behaviors/offenses
listed above will result in zero tolerance until the legal matter has
been discharged
• Discriminatory behavior such as derogatory comments, actions, or
threats towards a specific person or specific group of people
4. Zero Tolerance Disciplinary Action
• Depending on the infraction, disciplinary action will take the form of immediate suspension of 3 days minimum up to and including expulsion from all Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale branch locations.
• A meeting with member and branch staff must occur before the member returns to the Club.
• Incident will be documented in member’s file.
5. Parent/Guardian Notification
• A parent/guardian will be notified of continuous patterns of behavior problems to support behavior modification.
• Parent/Guardian will be informed at the time of pick-up of any disciplinary actions taken including approved date of return.
• Depending on severity of the incident, a parent/guardian meeting may be required prior to youth being allowed to return to regular Club attendance and a behavioral contract may be required for that member to return
PLEASE NOTE: All Disciplinary actions requiring suspension from Club must be approved by Branch Director prior to informing child/parent. Any disciplinary action that would result in a member being suspended for more than two weeks must have prior approval of the Chief Operations Officer (COO).

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