Page 98 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 98

  • Write the name of the CPS worker/officer report is filed with and include contact number for follow-up or if additional information is shared.
• Do not notify parents/guardians about abuse until a report has been filed and Officers advise it is okay to notify them. Discuss notification process with officer to ensure clarity.
• Maintain confidentiality. If a child discloses abuse to you or you witness abuse, follow the process and report it to law enforcement. Not everyone needs to know about the abuse. Confidentiality must be kept by all staff involved.
5. Supervisor must immediately update HR and COO of incident, additionally, all documentation must be forwarded to COO/HR once completed. COO will complete BGCA incident reporting process.
Immediately after suspicion of abuse- begin process.
Illness, Injury, Incident Reporting Platform, include documentation of all
information shared, person’s contacted, contact numbers, and roles.

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