Page 24 - TRLCC Boat Smart 2021 Digital Version
P. 24


     Respectful Boating Is Fun Boating For All

           Boating etiquette is about safety and socially accepted behavior.
          Below you’ll find some common sense basics to help you navigate
                 Table Rock Lake and blend in among fellow boaters.

     AT THE RAMP                          ALWAYS BE PREPARED
     Good boating etiquette starts be-    If you are the captain, be prepared
     fore you enter the water - at the    to communicate the safety rules
     dock. Prepare your boat and equip-   for your craft and make sure your
     ment before getting into position to   guests are aware of them. Set a good
     launch. Anything else is disrespectful  example by always wearing a life
     to fellow boaters.                   jacket and having enough proper life
                                          jackets for each person onboard.
     The fastest way to make                    GAS AND GO
     the wrong kinds of waves                   At the fuel dock, get fuel, pay
     is to literally throw                           your bill and move out of
     a big wake at an-                               the way. If you need to
     other boat, swim-                               buy additional supplies,
     mer, or shoreline owner.                   relocate your boat. Don’t for-
     Stay at least 200 feet                     get to run your blower before
     from the shoreline and                    starting.
     other boaters.
                                          PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE
     SOUND CHECK                          Be understanding of those with less
     Sound is amplified over the water, so   boating experience and on-the-wa-
     keep the music at a level compatible   ter smarts than you. Have the heart
     with your surroundings. Overly loud   of a teacher, not a critic.
     music can be a disturbance to others
     as well as the operator/spotter.     BE POLITE
                                          When passing another boat, give a
     LEAVE NO TRACE                       little wave hello. Boating is all about
     Take care of the body of water you   having fun and being part of the
     love, and dispose of any trash you   boating community. Embrace it and
     have. Never throw it overboard.      share it for generations to come.

                           24  Boat Smart Table Rock Lake
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