Page 50 - March 2020 - WT Site
P. 50

Reviewing Aerobic Technologies for the

                                      Treatment of Wastewater

          There are multitudes of aerobic biological treatment processes and technologies in literature and practice.
              Biological treatment using aerobic activated sludge process has been in practice for over a century.

                                                     By Mr. Kondiba Metkari

          Wastewater treatment has become essential these days, because   well as it should be economical. Oxidation means decomposition
          it is so interconnected with the other uses of water.  This   of  organic  or  inorganic  matters  present  in  effluent.  The
          wastewater is treated and then converted to effluent to discharge   secondary treatment involves biological oxidation and chemical
          it to the natural water streams. If un-treated water discharged in   oxidation. Biological oxidation processes can be aerobic and
          river streams, leave its effects on the wildlife habitats thriving in   anaerobic. Rely on microbial decomposition to treat wastewater,
          oceans, rivers and marshes, migratory birds using these areas for   the key difference between anaerobic and aerobic treatment is
          breeding, resting, and nesting, fisheries which have direct impact   that aerobic systems require oxygen, while anaerobic systems do
          upon human consumption. Thus this effluent must be treated   not. Most people consider bacteria and other microorganisms
          before it goes back to the environment to have minimum impact   to be undesirable components of wastewater. In fact, only a
          on the environment, or can be directly reused. This reclaimed   small fraction of the microbes found in wastewater are truly
          water can be used for purposes other than consumption.   pathogenic. Aerobic wastewater treatment encourages the
          As disposal or reuse is the ultimate aim of the treatment of   growth  of  naturally-occurring  aerobic  microorganisms  as  a
          wastewater, treatment is decided accordingly to create minimum   means of renovating wastewater. Such microbes are the engines
          impact to the river streams and low sludge for landfills.  of wastewater treatment plants. Organic compounds are high-
                                                                 energy forms of carbon. The oxidation of organic compounds
          Wastewater is treated in three stages primary, secondary and   to the low-energy form (carbon dioxide) is the fuel that powers
          tertiary. Primary treatment includes filtering the insoluble solids,   these engines.
          grit, suspended matter etc. from water, the sand filter is the most
          commonly used filter. The oil and grease found on the surface   The biological aerobic treatment uses bacteria or microbes to
          of some wastewater can also be removed easily through this   clean water systems that degrade the organic matter in presence
          method. Next is secondary treatment, the collected filtered water   of oxygen. The oxygen required for the decomposition of organic
          is then treated to reduce its toxicity, decrease oxygen demand   matter by these microbes is often measured in biological oxygen
          and disinfect. This treatment includes oxidation and chemical   demand or BOD, which refers to the amount of dissolved oxygen
          treatment. Oxidation can be aerobic or anaerobic involved in   needed by aerobic organisms to break down organic matter into
          treatment and the tertiary treatment involves further disinfection   smaller molecules. Provided that oxygen and food, in the form
          like absorption, advanced oxidation, disinfection depending upon   of settled wastewater are supplied to the microorganisms, the
          quality of wastewater.                                 biological oxidation process of dissolved organic matter will be
                                                                 maintained. The bioconversion of dissolved organic matter into
          The oxidation is the most important and integral part of the   thick bacterial biomass can fundamentally purify the wastewater.
          wastewater  treatment  processes,  it  defines  the  efficacy  of  the   Subsequently, it is crucial to separate the microbial biomass from
          treatment plant. Thus, secondary treatment should be efficient as   the treated wastewater through sedimentation. This secondary

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