Page 11 - Parker - Hydraulic and Lube Filtration Products
P. 11

12AT/50AT Series

               Spin-On Filters

               Reservoir                                  Model         Air Rating*      Element       Adapter Kit
               Breather Assemblies
                                                         12AT-03C        1 micron        926543          926876
               12AT and 50AT
                                                         12AT-10C        2 micron        921999          926876
               Sizing                                    12AT-25C        5 micron        925023          926876
               Select the proper size cannister for      50AT-03C        1 micron        926541          926875
               the maximum rate of reservoir draw
               down or air exchange rate. As a rule      50AT-10C        2 micron        926169          926875
               of thumb, clean pressure drop should      50AT-25C        5 micron        926170          926875
               be limited to 0.18 psid (5" H O).
                                                           * 99% Removal effi ciency for particles larger than the stated size in air.
               A pipe fl ange, weld collar, etc. may
               be used to connect the cannister            Graphs are for 03C cannisters only. Total pressure drop across
               adapter kit to the reservoir. Make sure     cannister, adapter, and pipe may be found by adding pressure
               that air is not able to leak around the     drops below:
               adapter. When mounting on the side
               of the reservoir, make sure the             + 1.5% for each inch of 12AT adapter or 3/4" pipe used.
               installation is above the surface           + 3.0% for each 3/4" elbow used.
               of the fl uid.
                                                           + 1.0% for each inch of 50AT adapter or 1-1/4" pipe used.
                                                           + 2.0% for each 1-1/4" elbow used.
               Recommended cannister change out
               is after 500 hours of operation. More
               frequent replacement may be required                    TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS
               when operated in heavily contaminat-                       MOUNTED ON TOP
               ed areas such as grinding operations,                         OR SIDE OF
               primary metal mills, and on mobile                            RESERVOIR
               equipment. Under such conditions,
               increase replacement frequency to
               every 250 hours.

                                                                   ALLOW 1.25" FOR CANNISTER
                                                                      REMOVAL CLEARANCE

              10 10                          .4
              9 9
                       12AT                  .3
             DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE (IN H 2 O)  6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3  50AT  DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE (PSI)  .2  12AT  926876
              8 8
              7 7

              1 1 2 2                        .1               50AT
              0 0
               0 0  100 1  200 2  300 3  400 4  5 500  600 6  7 700  800 8  900 9  10000  0  100  200  300  400  500  600
                      AIR FLOW (SCFM)            OIL LEVEL CHANGE RATE (GPM)

   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16