Page 12 - Parker - Parker Automation controller
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Other Parker Automation Solutions

               ETT - Electric Tubular Motors   configured into a multi-axis    to the world. With it’s intuitive
                                               robotic system, which provides for   design interface, numerous drag-
               Parker’s rod style linear actuators   cost effective automation across   and-drop objects, and dozens of
               are offered with either a screw or   industries, including life sciences,   built-in drivers, Xpress is combines
               tubular linear motor drive train,   semi-conductor,  electronics  a powerful graphics interface with
               and  are  available  in  a variety of   assembly, and automated test or   an intuitive design environment for
               strokes. Having the flexibility   assembly.                     quick development and an award
               between these two drive trains
                                                                               winning machine front-end.
                                                                               Compax3 EtherCAT Servo
                                               MPP/MPE Servo Motors            Drives

                                               The MPP Series of brushless servo   Compax3 servo drives combine a
                                               motors features a segmented     high-performance, digital design
                                               lamination design that provides   with industrial ruggedness and
                                               for a very high torque-to-inertia
                                               ratio resulting in the highest
               give  OEM’s  the  flexibility  to   acceleration rates of any Parker
               either select an actuator which
               will deliver  high speed and
               acceleration or an actuator that
               will deliver thrust which rivals
               that of traditional fluid power
               actuators. Given this versatility                               expansive   power   capabilities.
               Parker’s rod style actuators can                                Designed     specifically   for
               be found in applications ranging                                industrial  applications  with
               from    semi-conductor,   food                                  heavy duty features such as built-
               processing, entertainment, and   motor. MPPs also include high-  in regeneration capabilities and
               traditional machine tool.       performance        Neodymium    AC input line filtering, the wide
                                               magnets, a potted stator design for   variety of power levels--up to 155 A
                                               thermal efficiency, and multiple   RMS--ensures that no application
               HMR - High Moment Rodless       feedback options. MPP motor s   is too large for the Compax3
                                               are available in 92, 100, 115, 142,   family.
               Parker  Hannifin  offers a  wide   190, and 270 mm frame sizes with
               breadth of high moment rodless   peak torque ratings up to 402 Nm.
               linear actuators which are driven
               with a screw, belt or linear motor.                             IPS Structural Aluminum
               In addition to a wide  variety of   Xpress HMI                  IPS is a complete line of structural
               drive  train  technologies,  these                              aluminum and linear motion
                                               Xpress  HMI  is  Parker’s  award
                                               winning web-published HMI

                                                                               extrusions  created  to  build
               actuators are  also  offered  with  a                           innovative solutions in machine
               vast array of bearing technologies   product for interfacing not only    building, safety guarding,
               to suit the needs of the application.   Parker’s Automation Controller,   workstations, and other unlimited
               Any of these actuator’s can be   but also third-party controllers   industrial applications.

               12                  Parker Hannifin Corporation  •  Electromechanical Automation Division  •  800-245-6903  •
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