Page 8 - Parker - Parker Automation controller
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Parker Automation Controller - PAC
Parker Automation Manager IDE
Smart and powerful, Parker can be deployed as compiled— Programming
Automation Manager is the and optionally licensed—code
single integrated development and deployed to protect the
environment for programming
complex logic, multi-axis motion, Simulation Runtime
signal handling, and web- Debugging
published visualizations. • Variable Forcing and/or Setting
• Multiple Watch Windows
With Automation Manager,
engineers can leverage their • Trending
existing knowledge and work • Powerflow
• Breakpoints
smarter, more efficient and more System Logger
effective than ever with the full Extensible Software
suite of IEC 61131-3 programming Object-oriented Programming Variable Trending
languages, PLCopen Motion Custom Libraries
Control, Parts I and II, and g-code
conforming to the DIN66025
standard. This standards-based Intellectual Property (IP) of OEMs.
approach provides a common
platform for control engineers and Engineers can now manage an
flattens the learning curve, thus entire product line in one project
saving OEMs time and money. by including multiple hardware
configurations and deploying
the appropriate reusable software
IEC61131-3 Programming packages to specific application
• Ladder Diagram containers. This method allows
• Structured Text OEMs to maintain their program Graphical Cam Design
• Continuous Function Chart files in one project and make code
• Function Block Diagram changes in one place to affect all
• Sequential Function Chart versions of a particular machine.
• Instruction List Thus machine builders now have a
PLCopen Motion Control I & II development platform specifically
DIN 66025 G-code designed to support modular
machines and valuable add-on
The common platform approach software modules.
is complemented by a powerful
simulation engine for logic and Customizable Interface
motion that allows for faster Cam Editor (Graphical & Tabular)
development and by a complete G-code Editor (Graphical & Tabular)
suite of debugging tools, including Auto Declaration & Completion CNC Design
powerflow; inline variable forcing, Recipe Manager
watch, and trending; system Alarm Configuration
logging; and breakpoints for logic Unit Conversions
Web-published Visualization
Automation Manager supports Custom Functions/FBs
reusable, extensible software; CNC Development
object-oriented programming DXF Import to Dev. Env.
techniques; and even custom NC File Import to Runtime
library creation for libraries that
8 Parker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical Automation Division • 800-245-6903 •