Page 14 - Parker - AC30 Variable speed drive
P. 14

AC30 Variable Speed Drive
            Technical Specifications


               Panel Mounting

                                                                                            Approximate Dimensions [in/mm]
            Size       Weight       H         H1        H2        W         W1       W2        D         Mounting
            Frame D   10.0/4.5  11.26/286.0 10.6/270.0  0.25/6.5  3.93/100.0  3.15/80.0  0.39/10.0 10.0/255.0
            Frame E   15.0/6.8  13.11/333.0 12.6/320.0  0.25/6.5  4.92/125.0 3.93/100.0 0.49/12.5 10.0/255.0  4.5mm slot, M4
            Frame F   22.0/10.0  15.07/383.0 14.5/370.0  0.25/6.5  5.90/150.0 4.92/125.0 0.49/12.5 10.0/255.0
            Frame G   49.2/22.3  18.90/480.0 18.31/465.0 0.29/7.25 8.66/220.0  7.48/190  0.51/13.0 11.30/287  5.5mm slot, M5
            Frame H   94.6/42.8  26.38/670.0 25.59/650.0 0.39/10.0 10.24/260.0  8.66/220  0.79/20  12.44/316  6.8mm slot, M6
             Through-Panel Mounting

                                                                                     Approximate Dimensions [in/mm]

            Size          H       H1       H2       W       W1       W2       D       D1        Mounting
            Frame D    9.8/250  10.3/262  0.24/6  3.1/79  0.06/1.5  3.2/82  2.8/72   7.1/181
            Frame E    11.7/297 12.2/309  0.24/6  4.1/104  0.04/1  4.0/102  2.8/72   7.1/181  Use M4 mountings
            Frame F    13.7/347 14.1/359  0.24/6  5.1/129  0.04/1  5.0/127  2.8/72   7.1/181
            Frame G                                Refer to kit part number LA502471
            Frame H                                Refer to kit part number LA502472
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