Page 6 - Parker - AC30 Variable speed drive
P. 6
AC30 Variable Speed Drive
Designed with you in mind
Compact footprint, chassis or
Throughout every stage of the through-panel mounting
design process, our engineering
teams worked to equip the AC30 Engineered cooling improves • Multi-position feet with keyhole slots for
with a wealth of features that reliability ease of mounting (F)(S)
benefit both OEMs and End-users • Intelligent design minimizes force • Reduced heat radiation allows side-by-
alike. ventilation requirements (R) side mounting (F)
• Removable fan improves
Working with the three principles maintainability (R)
of Flexibility, Simplicity and • Isolated power stack cooling path
Reliability in mind, our engineers reduces contamination of control
have created a product that electronics (R)
not only delivers class-leading
performance but also offers
excellent usability in a host of
motor control applications.
Unobstructed access to power and
Flexibility (F) dynamic brake terminals
A fully featured list of standard
functionality along with the use • Terminal covers removable with drive in
place (S)
of common control and option
modules allows users to put the • Dynamic brake switch fitted as standard (F)
drive to work in many different • Easy access to DC Bus connections (S)
open or closed-loop applications
without having to invest significant
time and effort in re-engineering
motor control systems.
Suitable for harsh environments
Simplicity (S)
From the clear and concise backlit • AC30 is conformally coated
LCD display to the power terminal as standard and meets the
covers that can be removed with requirements of environment
classes 3C1, 3C2 (all defined
the drive in the cabinet, AC30 substances) plus 3C3 and 3C4 for
has been engineered to make Hydrogen Sulphide (H 2S) (F)(R)
the process of operating and
maintaining the drive as easy as
Reliability (R)
Although no one can guarantee
problems will never happen, Suited to all environments
our engineers have taken every • Internal EMC filter options up
possible step to reduce their to C2 1 environment for use in Expandable I/O capabilities
likelihood of occurring. We have commercial buildings (F)
included a number of features in • CE marked to EN61800-5-1 • A range of option modules expand AC30 to
the AC30 that will ensure any loss and NRTL listed to UL508C and accommodate application specific I/O (F)
of productivity is minimized and C22.2#14 • High-performance, closed-loop control with
production restarted as safely and • DC chokes above 3 HP reduce pulse encoder feedback module (F)
as soon as possible. harmonics to below IEC/ • Spring clamp terminals reduce installation
EN61000-3-12 limits (F)(R) time and risk of loose connections (S)(R)