Page 7 - Parker - AC30 Variable speed drive
P. 7
AC30 Variable Speed Drive
Ethernet connectivity and built in
diagnostic web pages
• Built in web pages allow AC30 to be
interrogated over the onboard Ethernet
and Modbus TCP/IP connection (S)
Graphical Keypad
Simplified The tactile IP55 keypad can be
configuration and data mounted either on the drive itself
storage with SD cards
or remotely and provides access
to all drive functions.
• SD card simplifies
firmware updates The backlit LCD display can be
and allows drive configured to present information
configuration and data in any one of a number of different
to be stored (S) languages, or even in your own
custom language with your own
user-defined units.
Simple Setup Wizard and
Intuitive and easy to use, Macros
multi-function graphical • Integrated quick start wizards
keypad means you don't have to be
• Remote mountable and easy to an expert to configure the drive
use tactile keypad makes drive within minutes
setup and operation simple (S) • Dedicated macros and
integrated function blocks
simplify the creation of specific
motor control applications
Keypad Remote Mounting
The graphical keypad can be
Safe-Torque-Off (STO) for safety mounted remotely to the drive
critical applications with the use of a connecting
Field-installable communications • Protecting users and machinery cable. When remote mounting, a
• Seamless integration into automation against unexpected motor start-up blanking cover can be fitted to the
systems (F) in accordance with EN13849-1 at drive in place of the keypad.
PLe Cat3 or SIL 3 to EN61800-5-2