Page 4 - Parker - AC890/AC890PX series
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Electromechanical Automation
          Global products with local manufacturing and support

          Global Product Design               Manufacturing to Meet Our
                                              Customers’ Needs                       Worldwide
          Parker Hannifin has more than 40    Parker is committed to meeting the     Electromechanical
          years’ experience in the design and   increasing service demands that      Automation Manufacturing
          manufacturing of drives, controls,   our customers require to succeed
          motors and mechanical products.     in the global industrial market.       Locations
          With dedicated global product       Parker’s manufacturing teams
          development teams, Parker draws     seek continuous improvement            North America
          on industry-leading technological   through the implementation of          Charlotte, North Carolina
          leadership and experience from      lean manufacturing methods             Rohnert Park, California
          engineering teams in Europe, North   throughout the process. We measure    Irwin, Pennsylvania
          America and Asia.                                                          New Ulm, Minnesota
                                              ourselves on meeting our customers’
          Local Application Expertise         expectations of quality and delivery,   Europe
                                              not just our own. In order to meet
          Parker has local engineering resources   these expectations, Parker operates   Littlehampton, UK
          committed to adapting and applying   and continues to invest in our        Dijon, France
          our current products and technologies   manufacturing facilities in Europe,   Offenburg, Germany
          to best fit our customers’ needs.   North America and Asia. This allows    Milan, Italy
          Parker’s engineering resources also   us to minimize transportation time
          extend to the development and       and cost and to be able to respond     Asia
          manufacture of complete systems     more quickly to customer needs.        Shanghai, China
          for continuous process and motion                                          Chennai, India
          control applications.

          SSD Drives Division Manufacturing

          Parker SSD drive products are manufactured globally to provide our
          customers with quality products at a competitive price point. In addition
          to factory-direct support, Parker provides sales assistance and local
          technical support through a group of dedicated sales teams and a network
          of authorized systems integrators, field service engineers, and technical
          distributors across the globe. For contact information, please refer to the
          Sales Offices listed on the back cover of this document or visit www.parker.
          com/ssd                                                               Charlotte, NC

            Littlehampton, UK            Shanghai, China              Dijon, France              Chennai, India

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