Page 5 - Parker - AC890/AC890PX series
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Solutions to Improve Productivity, Increase Flexibility
and Save Energy
Process Productivity and Reliability AC Drives Direct Drive Servo Drives and
Parker brings together the technology Converting machinery DC Drives Motors Motors
and experience required for Folding, gluing, stiching and collating √ √ √
continuous process applications across
many industries. AC and DC variable Coating, laminating and foil stamping √ √ √ √
speed drive products combined with Slitting, cutting and rewinding √ √ √ √
application-specific function block- Plastics processing machinery
based configuration software ensure Plastic extrusion √ √ √
precise speed control and reliable Injection moulding √ √ √
performance. Parker combines more √ √ √
than 30 years of adjustable speed drive Thermal forming
application experience with a global Wire and cable
sales and support network to help you Wire and cable manufacturing √ √ √
increase productivity and efficiency. Winding/unwinding √ √ √
Extrusion for wire and cable √ √ √
Printing machinery
Web/sheetfed offset √ √ √
Flexographic printing √ √ √
Gravure printing √ √ √
Shaftless printing √ √ √
Other industries
Paper machinery √ √
Textiles √ √ √ √
Steel production √ √ √
Hoists, cranes, and lifts √ √
Automotive test rigs √ √ √ √
Energy Efficiency and Clean Power
Parker has developed the technology Energy Savings for Pumps, Fans,
to maximize the efficient use of and Compressors
energy in industrial, mobile and Parker has the drive technology
commercial environments.
to help you realize significant
energy savings in the operation of
Hybrid Vehicle Technology
pumps, fans and compressors in
Parker has adapted its electric drive both industrial and commercial
technologies for use in hybrid and applications, including:
electric vehicles, including mass Power Generation and Conversion
transit, utility trucks, passenger • Commercial refrigeration
vehicles, and watercraft. Examples • Water and wastewater treatment Using proven inverter technology,
include inverters and motor drives, • Building automation Parker has developed numerous
charging systems, export power, • Industrial processes solutions for the conversion of energy
and electric motors and generators. for commercial use from a variety of
For more information, visit • Hydraulic systems sources, including wind, wave and energy storage devices.