Page 3 - Parker - L90LS Mobile directional control valve canadian build program
P. 3

General Information

               The L90LS is a stackable, multi-section, load-sensing,   The maximum recommended flow rate per spool
               pressure compensated directional valve for mobile   section is 150 l/min, or 120 l/m when equipped with
               machines such as cranes, forklift trucks, platform   a pressure compensator.
               trucks, excavators and harvesters as well as oil field
               applications such as drilling, pipe handling, coiled   Examples of optional functions
               tubing and pressure pumping.  It is designed for   Depending on the application and operating criteria
               working pressures of up to 320 bar and a maximum   of the machine, a wide range of common, section- or
               pump flow of 200 l/min. The valve can be given   port-specific optional functions can be integrated
               excellent simultaneous-operating characteristics,   into the L90LS. Some examples not listed in this
               which enable several machine functions to be    program include:
               operated responsively at the same time, regardless of
               the sizes of individual loads.                  • a pump-unloading function that blocks the pump
                                                                 inlet when activated, thus enabling an emergency-
               To facilitate precise customization for different   stop function to be incorporated into the system.
               applications, the L90LS is of wholly modular
               construction. Each valve is therefore built to order,   • port-specific force-feedback functions that enable
               so that it incorporates exactly the valve functions and   force sensing and also provide a hydraulic ramp
               values needed to control the given machine in an   function.
               optimal way.
                                                               • a load-signal copying function to eliminate micro-
               Wide range of spool actuators                     sinking of actuator
               The spools in the L90LS can be actuated directly
               by means of levers or remotely by pneumatic,    • section-specific two-speed functions that enable
               electro-pneumatic, hydraulic or electro-hydraulic   switching between performance and precision work
               remote control. Some of our remote controlled     in machines such as cranes and skylifts.
               spool actuators can be fitted with a supplementary
               direct lever to give a dual-control and/or emergency   • priority for machine functions such as brakes and
               facility. The wide range of actuating options gives the   steering.
               machine designer great freedom in terms of control
               criteria and component location.                • flow sharing for systems that require equal speed
                                                                 relationship of the selected functions, but at
               Spool sections and flow rates                     a reduced speed, even at pump over-demand
               The L90LS can be supplied in combinations of      conditions.
               1-12 spool sections or in combination with special
               function manifolds fitted between spool sections.
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