Page 10 - Jun-Air - Compressors
P. 10
dry air
Atmospheric air contains water To ensure both clean and dry The risk of corrosion is eliminated
vapour, which condenses to water compressed air, JUN-AIR offers at –30ºC.
droplets when the compressed adsorption air dryers. They are –
air cools. Water in compressed unlike many types of dryers in the In addition, JUN-AIR offers a dryer/
air causes a major inconvenience market – designed for continuous filter combination which complies
to the user, as it may damage operation. with international standards for
the equipment connected to the classification of compressed air
compressor. At the same time, The adsorption air dryer removes quality.
moisture and heat from the water vapour before accumulating
compression of the air create the dry compressed air in the
favourable conditions for growth of receiver – ensuring a constant and
microorganisms. If the compressed absolute pressure dew point of
air is in direct contact with human –40ºC. Bacteria become inactive at
beings, animals, food or medical a pressure dew point below –23ºC
equipment, hygiene problems may and may subsequently be removed.