Page 7 - Parker - Compact Hydraulic Cylinders
P. 7

Catalog HY08-1137-7/NA                            Compact Hydraulic Cylinders
            Cylinder Weights and Force                        Series CHE

            Theoretical Push and Pull Forces                   1. Select the Operating Pressure column closest to that
            The cylinder output forces are derived from the formula:  desired.
   View                F  =   P x  A                           2. In the same column, identify the force required to
   Table of                                                    move the load (always rounding up). If the piston rod is
  Contents                    10000
            Where F  =  Force in kN.                           in compression use the ‘Push’ row and if the piston rod
                  P  =  Pressure at the cylinder in bar.       is in tension use the ‘Pull’ row.
                  A  =  Effective area of cylinder piston in    3.  In the row to the left is the bore required.
                     square mm.                                If the cylinder envelope dimensions are too large for
            To determine the bore size for the application take the   the application, increase the operating pressure to the
            following steps.                                   maximum pressure in the table below, if possible, and
                                                               repeat steps 1 - 3.
            Push and Pull Force in kN                                               Series CHE
             Bore   Rod   Operating  Piston Area   Operating Pressure (Bar)         Pressure Rating
              Ø    Ø  Direction  (mm²)   20    40    60    80    100   120   140      Bore      Maximum Working
                        Push     314    0.63  1.26   1.88  2.51  3.14  3.77  4.40
              20  12                                                                   Ø      Pressure in bar
                        Pull     201    0.40  0.80   1.21  1.61  2.01  2.41  2.81      20         140
                        Push     491    0.98  1.96   2.95  3.93  4.91  5.89  6.87
              25  14                                                                   25         140
                        Pull     337    0.67  1.35   2.02  2.70  3.37  4.04  4.72
                        Push     804    1.61  3.22   4.83  6.43  8.04  9.65  11.3      32         140
              32  18                                                                   40         140
                        Pull     550    1.10  2.20   3.30  4.40  5.50  6.60  7.70
                        Push    1,257   2.51  5.03   7.54  10.1  12.6  15.1  17.6      50         120
              40  22
                        Pull     877    1.75  3.51   5.26  7.01  8.77  10.5  12.3      63         100
                        Push    1,963   3.93  7.85   11.8  15.7  19.6  23.6   -        80         100
              50  28
                        Pull    1,348   2.70  5.39   8.09  10.8  13.5  16.2   -       100         100
                        Push    3,117   6.23  12.5   18.7  24.9  31.2   -     -
              63  36                                                                Equivalents
                        Pull    2,099   4.20  8.40   12.6  16.8  21.0   -     -
                        Push    5,027   10.1  20.1   30.2  40.2  50.3   -     -       1 kN = 224.81 pounds force
              80  45
                        Pull    3,436   6.87  13.7   20.6  27.5  34.4   -     -       1 bar = 14.50 psi
                        Push    7,854   15.7  31.4   47.1  62.8  78.5   -     -       1 mm = .03937 inch
             100  56
                        Pull    5,391   10.8  21.6   32.3  43.1  53.9   -     -       1 mm  = .00155 inch 2
            Cylinder Weights
            To determine the weight of a Series CHE cylinder,   cylinder stroke and add the result to the basic weight.
            first select the proper basic zero stroke weight for the   For extra rod extension, use piston rod weights per
            mounting required, and then calculate the weight of the   mm in Table C.
            Table A Single Rod End CHE Cylinder Weights in kg.                     Table C Piston rod weights in kg.
             Bore   Rod                    Single Rod Cylinders                        Rod      Piston Rod
              Ø     Ø                                                                   Ø     Weight per mm
                        Basic Weight at Zero Stroke  Per   Basic Weight at Zero Stroke  Per
                                               mm                          mm
                            T        TN, TR            J, H        CA                   12        0.001
                                              Stroke                      Stroke
                        PC 3¹ PC B¹ PC 3¹ PC B¹     PC 3¹ PC B¹ PC 3¹ PC B¹             14        0.001
              20   12   0.24  0.25  0.25  0.26  0.004  0.51  0.52  0.48  0.49  0.005    18        0.002
              25   14   0.34  0.36  0.35  0.37  0.005  0.71  0.73  0.69  0.71  0.006    22        0.003
              32   18   0.62  0.66  0.64  0.68  0.009  1.14  1.18  1.28  1.33  0.009    28        0.005
              40   22   0.92  0.99  0.95  1.02  0.011  1.86  1.93  2.00  2.06  0.013    36        0.008
              50   28   1.38  1.50  1.44  1.55  0.015  2.97  3.09  3.12  3.24  0.017    45        0.012
              63   36   2.33  2.54  2.42  2.62  0.021  4.33  4.54  5.14  5.34  0.025
              80   45   4.20  4.66  4.34  4.80  0.031  7.68  8.14  8.67  9.13  0.036    56        0.019
             100   56   8.02  8.86  8.23  9.08  0.045  14.7  15.6  15.6  16.4  0.051
            Table B Double Rod End CHE Cylinder Weights in kg.
             Bore   Rod                    Double Rod Cylinders                     Equivalent
              Ø     Ø                                                                 1 kg = 2.2046 pounds
                        Basic Weight at Zero Stroke  Per   Basic Weight at Zero Stroke  Per
                            T          TN      mm       J          CA      mm
                                              Stroke                      Stroke
                        PC 3¹ PC B¹ PC 3¹ PC B¹     PC 3¹ PC B¹ PC 3¹ PC B¹
              20   12   0.26  0.28  0.28  0.29  0.005  0.53  0.55  0.50  0.51  0.006
              25   14   0.37  0.40  0.39  0.41  0.007  0.75  0.77  0.72  0.75  0.008
              32   18   0.68  0.72  0.71  0.75  0.011  1.21  1.25  1.35  1.39  0.011
              40   22   1.02  1.09  1.06  1.13  0.014  1.97  2.04  2.10  2.17  0.016
              50   28   1.59  1.70  1.64  1.75  0.020  3.18  3.29  3.33  3.44  0.022
              63   36   2.75  2.95  2.84  3.04  0.029  4.75  4.95  5.56  5.76  0.033  Note 1: PC 3 = with Piston Code 3 or 5
              80   45   5.00  5.45  5.14  5.59  0.043  8.48  8.93  9.47  9.92  0.048  (Magnetic Piston), PC B = with Piston
             100   56   9.64  10.5  9.86  10.7  0.065  16.3  17.2  17.2  18.1  0.071  Code 9 or B (Non-Magnet Piston)

                                                              4                        Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                       Industrial Cylinder Division
                                                      Des Plaines, Illinois USA
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