Page 9 - Parker - General Technical
P. 9

4300 Catalog                                                                      General Technical

            Temperature                                                                                      T      Return
 Examples:                                                                                                           Index
            Temperature Ratings For                             Tube Derating Factors for Temperature
            Common Tube Materials                               Besides severity of service, high operating temperature
                                                                also reduces allowable working pressure of the tubing.
                                                                Temperaturederating factors for various tube materials are
                                                                given in Table T7. Where applicable, derating factors for
                                                                severity of service and temperature should be applied to
               Tube                              Max.  Temperature
              Material  Specification  Construction  Condition  Hardness  Range (7)  the design pressure values in Tables T17 and T18 to arrive
                                                                at the maximum recommended working pressure.
                                                                Example: Combined derating factor for 316SS tubing for B
                      SAE J524                                  (severe) service and 500°F. operation is .67 x .9 = .603
                    (ASTM A179)   Seamless
              Carbon   SAE J525  Welded &   Fully      -65° to   Tube Selection Example:
              Steel  (ASTM A178)               HRB 72  500°F    *The derating factors are based on allowable design stress
              C-1010    (8)     Drawn   Annealed       -55° to   values at various temperatures per ASME B31.1 code for
                               Welded &
                      SAE J356  Flash Con-                      pressure piping (1986).
                               Welded &
              Carbon   SAE J2467  Flash Con-  Fully    -65° to   Maximum   Steel  Stainless
              Steel             trolled        HRB 75  500°F     Operating    C-1010        Copper  Aluminum  Monel
              C-1021           Welded &   Annealed     -55° to   Temperature  and                  6061-T6 Type 4000
                     SAE J2435                                             C-4130  304  316
              Carbon           Welded &                            100      1.00  1.00  1.00  1.00  1.00   1.00
              Steel   SAE 2613  Flash Con-             -65° to     150      1.00  0.91  1.00  0.85  1.00   0.97
              High              trolled  Sub-criti-    500°F       200      1.00  0.84  1.00  0.80  1.00   0.94
             Strength                   annealed  HRB 90  -55° to
             Low Alloy  SAE J2614  Welded &            260°C       250      1.00  0.79  1.00  0.80  0.94   0.91
              (HSLA)                                               300      1.00  0.75  1.00  0.78  0.80   0.88
                                                       -65° to     350      0.99  0.72  0.99  0.67  0.60   0.86
             Alloy Steel   ASTM A519  Seamless         500°F       400      0.98  0.69  0.97  0.50  0.43   0.85
              4130                                     -55° to
                                                       260°C       500      0.96  0.65  0.90               0.84
                                                       -65° to     600           0.61  0.85                0.84
              St 37.4  DIN 2391          Fully         500°F
             (Carbon   Part 2  Seamless        HRB 72  -55° to     700           0.59  0.82                0.84
              Steel)  (Metric)          Annealed                   800           0.57  0.80                0.83
 Example:            ASTM A213                         260°C       900           0.54  0.78
             Stainless   ASTM A269  Seamless  Fully    -425° to    1000          0.52  0.77
            Steel 304 &                        HRB 90  -255° to
               316   ASTM A249  Welded &    Annealed   650°C       1100          0.47  0.62
                     ASTM A269  Drawn                    (3)       1200          0.32  0.37
              1.4571  DIN 17458                        -425° to
              1.4541                     Fully         -255° to   Table T7 — Temperature Derating Factors* for Tubes
             Stainless   Tab 8  Seamless  Annealed  HRB 90  650°C
              Steel   (Metric)                           (3)
                      SAE J528            Soft  60 Max.  -325° to
              Copper  (ASTM B-75)   Seamless  Annealed  Rock-  400°F
                        (8)             Temper 0  15T  -200° to
                                        T6 Temper HRB 56  -325° to
             Aluminum   ASTM-B210  Seamless            400°F
              6061                       0 & T4        -200° to
                                         Temper  HRB 30  205°C
                                                       -400° to
             Monel 400  ASTM-B165  Seamless    HRB 70  800°F
                                        Annealed       -240° to
                                        Flexible &
              Nylon            Extruded  Semi-Rigid    -60° to
                                                     -50° to 95°C
             Polyethyl-  ASTM   Extruded  Instrument   -80° to
               ene    D-1248             Grade       -60° to 65°C
               PVC             Extruded  ment &       0° to 140°F
                                       Laboratory    -20° to 60°C
                                                       -65° to
              PFTE             & Cintered              -55° to
            Table T6 — Temperature Ratios for Common Tube Materials
                                                             T9                        Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                       Tube Fittings Division
                                                                                       Columbus, Ohio
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