Page 11 - Parker Catalog 4400 - Hose, Fittings and Equipment
P. 11

Parker Tracking System  Simple. Durable. Powerful.

 Increasing the speed, timing, and accuracy of   Tagging solutions for every application

 your next replacement
               PTS makes producing clear and dynamic product identification tags a breeze. PTS

               marking provides a critical link to the digital record where product-specific data is
               stored. Along with durable labels, RFID and other tagging media are available.

               Reporting                                         Within an OEM operation, barcodes representing PTS
               Robust reporting tools can provide data for       IDs and customer part numbers speed data entry.
               engineering, quality, and sales to analyze for a better   Date marking on each label verifies the manufacture
               understanding of component part performance.      date by providing key information for warranty,
               Customized reports can be exported for further    inspection or maintenance planning purposes.
               Operational efficiency                            PTS can help deliver compliance with a number of
               OEMs can use custom data fields to produce        industry accreditations such as ISO 9001 and ISO
               labels with assembly instructions to help ensure   17165-1. We also support requirements from The
               correct components get delivered to the appropriate   Energy Institute, DNV, and other regulatory bodies.
               manufacturing cell or machine. This custom label data
               can also be used to direct customers on spare part
               replacement when required.

               How PTS works:
                • PTS labels are customized with   • The distributor can create an   • Data is collected about your
                 specific assembly information and   exact replacement of your hose   failure which may help us
                 attached to the hose when the    assembly and either ship it to you   in recommending different
                 assembly is made.                or have it ready to pick up once   components or accessories
                • When the assembly requires      you arrive. Distributors can also   designed to get the most from
                 replacement, simply call your local   scan your hose label in-store.  your machine or equipment.
                 distributor with your PTS number,
                 or call 1-800-C-Parker to find
                 an authorized distributor
                 near you.

                PTS labels are specifically
                engineered to withstand harsh
                chemicals, temperatures, UV
                exposure and other challenging
                Visit for
                more information.

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