Page 7 - Parker Catalog 4400 - Hose, Fittings and Equipment
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Made in the U.S.A. – serving the world
In an ever changing global business environment, all ap- factories, assembled by Parker employees. Therefore,
plications are not created equal. We can help you specify Parker can promise premier customer service, high quality
solutions in order to make informed purchasing decisions manufacturing standards, on-time delivery and a culture
around technology, applications and relevant specification of continuous improvement so you remain competitive in
requirements. When you buy from Parker, you are getting the marketplace and achieve growth objectives.
a Parker designed hose made worldwide within our own
Global Availability Standard cover, while our SuperTough are easier to handle, requiring fewer
Parker hoses are manufac- cover is 450 times more abrasion re- man-hours for installation and repair.
tured in the major regions of sistant offering unparalleled protection
the world – North America, from abrasive environments. A smaller bend radius
Europe and Asia – sup- lets designers place
porting the equipment and key components –
customers we serve. Our such as pumps and
worldwide reach makes it valves – closer to-
easier to specify and source gether, so systems can
through our unrivaled indus- be more compact. This
trial distribution network of gives engineers more
13,000 locations worldwide. freedom in configuring
We strive to provide custom- equipment with less
ers with local engineering, hose. As a result of
quality products and premier our designs, the force
services on a global level. to flex or the force re-
quired to put the hose in its minimum
Extended Hose Life Innovative Design radius is the lowest in the industry.
Consistency in product per- Today there is a tremendous The force to flex directly affects em-
formance starts with consis- amount of pressure to adjust ployee fatigue, risk of injury and ease
tent materials. Parker’s materials de- with the continuously evolving of installation.
velopment laboratory uses the latest application requirements in
technology to evaluate products under terms of available space, per- Specifications
various conditions. Hose construc- formance, and production efficiency. All of our hoses meet or
tion style as well as cover type has a Parker responded with the develop- exceed various industry
direct impact on hose life and safety. ment of higher temperature resistant specifications including SAE, EN,
For instance, our spiral hose has two DIN, or ISO. Many of our new hoses
times the impulse life, which reduces hoses, increased pressure ranges, are designed to meet the ISO 18752
material and labor costs. longer impulse life and improved abra- specification, which enables custom-
sion resistance to meet these increas- ers to choose a hose by pressure
Parker hoses come in a ing requirements. range, not construction. Hoses in this
variety of cover options so product family simplify the specifica-
you can match the right Our hose has a smaller outside diam- tion process as well as reduce compli-
cover to your application. Our eter, weighs less, and is more flexible, ance complexity on a global platform.
ToughCover is 80 times more which simplifies installation. This can
abrasion resistant than our lead to smaller and lighter cable tracks