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Process Filtration Products

        Product Reference Guide | Industrial Applications

                                               Filter     Filter     Housings
         PRODUCT LINE                                    Ratings                 Typical Applications
                                              Material  (microns)    Available

         FLUOROFLOW                             PTFE      0.05 to 1     Yes      • High purity aggressive chemicals
         PROFLOW  II G                          PTFE      0.05 to 1     Yes      • UHP - chemicals, solvents, rinse baths and gases
         CLARIFLOW   G                       Polyethersulfone  0.04 to 0.8  Yes  • Specialty chemicals, and UHP water

         FULFLO  ABSO-MATE                    Polypropylene  0.2 to 70  Yes      • Membrane pre-fi ltration chemicals, and waste water
                                                                                 • Chemicals, magnetic media, photographic, electronics,
         FULFLO POLY-MATE  PLUS               Polypropylene  0.25 to 100  Yes
                                                                                  DI water, and process water
                                                                                 • Photographic, high-tech coatings, DI water and R.O.
         FULFLO POLY-MATE ™                   Polypropylene  0.5 to 60  Yes       membrane pre-fi ltration, process water, wastewater and
                                                                                  disposal wells
         CLARIPOR CP                          Polypropylene  0.5 to 90  Yes      • Coatings, inkjet inks, and specialty chemicals
                                                                                 • R.O. pre-fi ltration, membrane pre-fi ltration, critical
         GLASS-MATE                          Microfiber Glass  0.2 to 40  Yes
                                                                                  lubricating oils and oil fi eld completion fl uids
                                              Cellulosic &                       • Chemicals and oil fi eld completion fl uids, metal treatment
         FULFLO  PCC                                      2 to 60       Yes
                                              Polypropylene                       Petroleum and process gases, coatings, and process water
                                              Cellulosic &                       • Petrochemicals, refi neries & oil fi elds, amines, glycols, and
         FULFLO  336 PLEATED                              3 to 150      No
                                              Polypropylene                       produced water
                                              Cellulosic &                       • Water injection, chemical processes, hydrocarbons,
         FULFLO  1401                                     .5 to 30      No
                                              Polypropylene                       and solvents
                                                                                 • Hydraulic and lubricating oils
         FULFLO FLO-PAC ®                      Cellulosic  0.5 to 60    Yes
                                                                                 • Coolants - water-soluble, fuels and non-food-grade liquids
                                                                                 • Glycols, amines, esters, ketones, aromatic & aliphatic
         FULFLO FLO-PAC +                      Cellulosic  0.5 to 60    Yes
                                                                                   hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons
         FULFLO MEGAFLOW                      Polypropylene   0.5 to 10  Yes     • DI Water, chemical processing, and high-tech coatings
                                              or cellulose
         FULFLO MEGAFLOW +                                1 to 150      Yes      • Potable water and coolants
         FULFLO MAXGUARD  ™                    cellulose &   0.5 to 100  No      • Oil Field - deep well injection, produced water
                                                                                 • Oil Field - deep well injection,amines, commercial water,
         FULFLO MAXGUARD SELECT               Polypropylene  0.5 to 70  No
                                                                                  food & beverage
         FULFLO PARMAX ™                      & Microfiber-  1 to 90    Yes      • Specialty chemicals and process water
                                              Polypropylene                      • Process water, power generation, specialty chemicals and
         FULFLO PARMAX SELECT                 & Microfiber-  1 to 90    Yes       food & beverage
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