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Process Filtration Products

          Product Reference Guide | Industrial Applications

                                                  Filter                Housings
          PRODUCT LINE                                       ratings               Typical applications
                                                 Material               Available
          DEPTH MEDIA
          Melt Blown Filters

          FULFLO MEGABOND PLUS                   Polypropylene  1 to 120   Yes     • Chemical processing, DI water, Coatings
          AVASAN ™                               Polypropylene  1 to 75    Yes     • DI and process water, R.O. pre-fi ltration
                                                                                   • Chemical processing, Magnetic and industrial coatings,
          FULFLO ECOBOND ™                       Polypropylene  1 to 50    Yes      R.O. pre-fi ltration, DI water and organic solvents, Oil fi eld
                                                                                   • Chemical processing, Magnetic and industrial coatings, R.O.
          FULFLO DURABOND                         Polyolefin  1 to 100     Yes
                                                                                    pre-fi ltration, DI water and organic solvents
          Resin Bonded Filters
                                                Phenolic impreg-
                                                                                   • Inks and paints, Viscous fl uids - adhesives, resins and
          FULFLO PROBOND ®                      nated polyester &   2 to 150  Yes   emulsions, plasticizers
                                                 acrylic fiber
          Wound Depth Filters
                                                                                   • Organic acids and solvents, petroleum oils, pre-fi lter for
          FULFLO HONEYCOMB  HFT                   Multiple    1 to 150     Yes      membranes, concentrated and diluted alkalies, water,
                                                                                    chemical processes
                                                                                   • Organic acids and solvents, petroleum oils, pre-fi lter for
          FULFLO HONEYCOMB ULTRAFINE HFT          Multiple     0.5         Yes       membranes, concentrated and diluted alkalies, water,
                                                                                    chemical processes
                                                                                   • Organic Acids and Solvents, Petroleum Oils, Pre-fi lter for
          FULFLO SWC ™                            Multiple    1 to 100     Yes      Membranes - concentrated and diluted alkalies, water and
                                                                                    chemical processes
                                                                                   • Chemical processes, R.O pre-fi ltration and process water,
          FULFLO  XTL ™                           Multiple    1 to 30      Yes
                                                                                    Lubricants, Organic solvents and amines
                                                                                   • Paints, inks and coatings, Bulk chemicals and resins,
          FULFLO  FILTER BAGS                     Multiple    1 to 800     Yes
                                                                                    Pre-fi lter to other cartridges
                                                                                   • Intermediate & fi ne chemicals, amines, commercial water,
          FULFLO  PLEATED BAGS                    Multiple    1 to 90      Yes
                                                                                      paints & inks, deep well injection, vegetable oils
                                                                                   • Paints, inks and coatings, Adhesives and resins, Bulk
          FULFLO  XLH ™                          Polypropylene  0.5 to 25  Yes
                                                                                    chemicals, Pre-fi lter to other cartridges
                                                                                   • Clarifi cation at high pressure, temperature, or with high-
          FULFLO  COAXIAL RETAINER BASKET         316SS        N/A         Yes
                                                                                     viscosity fl uids, Filtration of steam and aggressive gases
                                                                                   • Clarifi cation at high pressure, temperature, or with high-
          FULFLO  BASKET STRAINERS                316SS     20 to 100 Mesh  Yes
                                                                                     viscosity fl uids, Filtration of steam and aggressive gases
                                                              Trace Oil
          FULFLO  TRUBIND  300 & 400              Proprietary              Yes     • Removes trace oil from water
                                                              5 micron
          FULFLO  MC & RC                       Activated Carbon           Yes     • Chlorine removal, Organics removal
          FULFLO  METALLIC                      304SS or 316SS  2 to 840   Yes     • High-temperature liquids and steam
          Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation.                              © 2012 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
          For User Responsibility Statement, see                     domnick hunter Process Filtration - North America
                                                                                                          All Rights Reserved
                                                        Abso-mate, Fulfo, Clarifl ow, Fluorofl ow, Flo-Pac and Probond are registered trademarks of Parker-Hannifi n Corporation.
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