Page 1 - Parker - Inks, paints and coatings product line
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Inks, Paints & Coatings

          Product Line

          Process fi ltration reference guide for inks,

          paints & coatings applications

          The coatings industry produces high-  DEPTH MEDIA                        METALLIC ELEMENT SERIES
          viscosity mixtures of resins, solvents,   Melt Blown Filters             Fulfl o  Metallic
          pigments and other additives that                                        Pleated & Cylindrical
          provide specifi c properties to the end   Avasan ™                        304 SS & 316 SS
          product. Proper blending, mixing and   Polypropylene
          dispersion are necessary for quality   Fulfl o DuraBond ™                 ENCAPSULATED
          coatings. Filtration of these fl uids is   Polyolefi n                     FILTERS
          key to removing gels, agglomerates   Fulfl o EcoBond ™
          and other contaminants to assure the   Polypropylene                     Polyfl ow Mini-capsules
          desired coating properties. An effective                                 Polypropylene
          fi lter must not affect adhesion, color,   Fulfl o MegaBond Plus ™
          grind specifi cation or dispersion of   Polypropylene                     MEMBRANE FILTERS
          the coating. Many coatings require                                       Evadur ™
          fi lters that “classify” or allow desirable   Resin Bonded Filters        Polyethersulfone
          particles to remain, while removing   Fulfl o ProBond ™
          undesirable ones. Parker fi lters    Phenolic Resin/Acrylic fi ber         FILTER BAGS
          perform these functions. They contain   String Wound Filters
          no silicone or other material that can    ®                              Fulfl o  Coaxial
          adversely affect adhesion of coatings.   Fulfl o Honeycomb                Retainer Basket
                                              Various media                        316 Stainless Steel
          Parker supplies the industrial coatings                                  Fulfl o Filter Bags
          market with the best fi ltration     PLEATED FILTERS                      Various materials
          solutions at the lowest cost of fi lter   Abso-Mate ®                     Fulfl o Pleated Bags
          ownership. Parker fi lters also help   Polypropylene                      Polypropylene & glass
          ink manufacturers maintain pigment   Claripor ™                          media - various
          concentration and color, by removing   Polypropylene                     cartridge confi gurations
          contaminants and ensuring that grind
          standards are met.                  Glass-Mate ™                         Fulfl o  Stainless Steel
                                              Microfi ber Glass                     Basket Strainers
          Contact Information                 Fulfl o Poly-Mate ™                   316 Stainless Steel
                                                                                   XLH (High effi ciency bags)
          Parker Hannifi n Corporation         Fulfl o Poly-Mate  Plus               Polypropylene
          domnick hunter                      Polypropylene
          Process Filtration - North America
          phone +1 877 784 2234               LARGE DIAMETER

                                              PLEATED FILTERS
          Parker Hannifi n Manufacturing Ltd   Fulfl o ParMax ™
          domnick hunter                      Glass media or
          Process Filtration - Europe         polypropylene
          phone +44 (0)191 4105121            Fulfl o ParMax Select

                                              Polypropylene pleated depth
 ltration    media and microfi berglass media

                                                                             ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS.
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