Page 3 - Parker - Inks, paints and coatings product line
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Product line Materials Typical applications
(microns) Housings
Melt blown fi lters
Avasan ™ Polypropylene 1 to 75 Yes • Deionized Water Process; R.O. pre-filtration
Fulfl o DuraBond ™ Bonded Polyolefin 1 to 100 Yes • Industrial coatings
Fulfl o EcoBond ™ Melt-blown polypropylene 1 to 50 Yes • Industrial coatings
Melt-Blown Polypropylene
Fulfl o MegaBond Plus ™ 1 to 120 Yes • High-tech optical coating
Wound depth fi lters
Honeycomb HFT Multiple 1 to 150 Yes • Deionized Water Process; R.O. pre-filtration
Resin bonded fi lters
• Inks and paints
Resin bonded Phenolic/
Fulfl o ProBond ™ 2 to 150 Yes • Viscous fl uids - adhesives, resins, emulsions,
acrylic fi ber
and plasticizers
• Resin Process, Coatings Manufacturing
Fulfl o Abso-Mate ™ Polypropylene 0.2 to 70 Yes Process, Coating Process; resins and
emulsions, plasticizers, inks and paints
• Coatings Manufacturing Process; high-tech
Claripor ™ Polypropylene 0.5 to 90 Yes
optical coatings
• Resin Process, Coating Process; High
Glass-Mate ™ Microfiber Glass 0.2 to 40 Yes temperature, resins and emulsions,
plasticizers, inks and paints
• Deionized Water Process, Coatings Additives;
Fulfl o Poly-Mate ™ Polypropylene 0.5 to 60 Yes Water Point-of-Use, High-tech coatings,
Photographic chemicals
• High-tech coatings
Fulfl o Poly-Mate Plus Polypropylene 0.25 to 100 Yes
• Photographic chemicals
Fulfl o ParMax ™ Polypropylene & • Deionized water process
microfiberglass 1 to 90 Yes • Resin process
Fulfl o ParMax Select
Fulfl o Coaxial • Resin Process; Clarifi cation at high pressure,
Retainer Basket 316SS N/A Yes temperature, or with high-viscosity fl uids
• Resin Process; Clarifi cation at high pressure,
Fulfl o Basket Strainer 316SS 20 to 100 mesh Yes
temperature, or with high-viscosity fl uids
• Coatings
Fulfl o Filter Bag Multiple 1 to 800 Yes
• Paints
Fulfl o Pleated Bag Filter Multiple 1 to 90 Yes • Resin Process; Paints, Inks
• Coatings
Fulfl o XLH Polypropylene 0.5 to 25 Yes
• Paints
• Coating Manufacturing Process; High
Fulfl o Metallic 304SS or 316SS 2 to 840 Yes
temperature liquids and steam
Fulfl o Polyfl ow Polypropylene 0.6 to 10 N/A • Coatings Manufacturing Process; Small batch
Mini-Capsule ink operations requiring low hold-up volume
Polyethersulfone (PES) / • Deionization Water Process, Coating Additives,
Evadur ™ 0.03 to 0.65 Yes
Polypropylene supports Coating Process; inks fi nal fi ltration