Page 2 - Jun-Air - Beverage Dispensing
P. 2

air for dispense systems

          JUN-AIR introduced it's first      Performance and design will
          compressor almost 50 years         always play a key role in the
          ago. This started a development    further development of JUN-AIR
          programme, which today has made    compressors. At the same time,
          JUN-AIR compressors the preferred   concern for the environment, low
          choice in the beverage industry    energy consumption, minimum
          worldwide.                         maintenance and user-friendly
                                             operation are given high priority.
          JUN-AIR has invested in the
          latest computer aided design       JUN-AIR supplies clean and quiet
          and automated assembly. The        air - a complete compressed air
          compressors have a compact and     solution for the beverage industry.
          modern design, reflecting quality and
          reliability, which has become a trade
          mark of JUN-AIR compressors.

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