Page 4 - Jun-Air - Beverage Dispensing
P. 4
beer dispense
gas mixing panel with N2
generator and compressor
beer pump
air/gas valve
beer pump
N 2
beer tank
beer hose
air hose
protective bag with beer beer kegs
surrounded by compressed air
Typical installation showing both tank and keg beer
Compressed air may be used for Beer pumps Mixing panels
several purposes in connection with For beer stored in kegs, pumps For some special beer types, a
beer dispense. are installed to ensure the desired special mix of the gas (CO /N ) is
quality of the beer. These pumps required, in order to create the
Tank systems can be powered by either CO or perfect blend and taste.
Protective bags inside large steel compressed air. Taxes on CO ,
tanks (500-1000 litres) are filled due to its severe influence on The N may be generated on site
with beer. By pressurizing the cavity the greenhouse effect and global by means of a N generator, which
between the protective bag and the warming, have made it more eliminates the handling of heavy gas
tank wall by means of oilfree air, the profitable to use compressed air. cylinders.
beer is pushed towards the dispense In addition to this, the use of CO
taps. This system is typically used poses hazards to the staff operating The unique features, such as long
where large amounts of beer are the equipment due to risk of leaks, lifetime, continuous duty cycle, quiet
served in a relatively short period which in several cases have had fatal operation and the possibility of
(e.g. larger discos, sport stadiums, consequences, as well as risks of operating at 12 bar pressure, make
entertainment areas, etc.). physical injury due to the handling of the oil-free JUN-AIR compressor
heavy gas cylinders. the ideal choice as an air source
The oil-free JUN-AIR compressor for mixed gas panels and/or N
provides a constant flow of clean air, The use of an oil-free JUN-AIR generators.
which ensures an even pressure is compressor eliminates the risk of
maintained during dispensing. contamination of the beer in case of
internal pump leaks.
The compressed air from the oil-free
compressor is completely free from Beer pumps may also be used with
odours, which eliminates the risk of tanks as well as keg installations.
contamination in case of leaks in the
protective bag.