Page 5 - Parker - Industrial Hydraulics
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Custom Made Partnerships

                Dedicated to increasing customers’   Voice of the customer programs,   benefit from Parker’s lean thinking
                productivity and profitability, Parker   market knowledge and engineering   and six sigma analysis applied during
                offers customers the widest array of   expertise combine to develop new   the process – ensuring high quality.
                solutions and services available.   products to meet evolving customer
                Using the industry’s leading edge   needs. Parker’s new product innova-  As the leader in the motion and
                technology and proven processes,   tion process includes a number of   control industry, Parker strives to
                Parker can provide customers with   stages, starting with brainstorming   be a preferred single source partner.
                any combination of components,   product ideas, and continues to the   These relationships are cultivated by
                sub-assemblies or complete motion   actual product launch. Customers   listening closely to our customers
                and control systems for any indus-                             and repeatedly providing them with
                trial application.                                             measurable value.

               Value-Added Service & Support

                Parker knows that it takes more than   •  Machine analysis and    When it comes to hydraulics, Parker’s
                innovative products, competitive   troubleshooting             worldwide network of degreed
                prices and on-time delivery to satisfy   •  Design engineering support  field-sales engineers are the best
                customer needs – it takes a commit-  •  System design          trained in the business and can be
                ment to provide exceptional value.                             your single-point of contact. Our
                At Parker, value is not a commodity;   •  Component selection  field-sales teams coordinate Parker’s
                instead, it is the result of personal   •  New product development  vast global resources including
                interaction and dedicated resources   •  Custom component      platform and technology experts to
                partnering with customers. Our   manufacturing                 satisfy any industrial application.
                value-added services include:
                                                •  Assemblies and kits         And whether they are crawling inside
                                                •  Sub systems                 your machine during business hours,
                                                •  Global support and service  or working weekends, Parker engi-
                                                •  Technical training          neers are there when you need them.

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