Page 8 - Parker - Industrial Hydraulics
P. 8

Fluid Connectors                Power Units                     Rotary Actuators
               A complete spectrum of fluid    All power units are backed by   Recognized for their durability and
               connector products for hydraulic,   complete engineering support   used wherever reliability is critical
               pneumatic and fluid systems is   including control documentation on   to the application, rotary actuation
               available with products ranging   the shop floor. Parker’s complete line   provides performance features to meet
               from state-of-the-art fittings, valves   of standard pre-engineered and   all common mobile applications. The
               and quick couplings, to pressure   cataloged hydraulic power units   product range offers a unique solution
               hose that is available in a wide range   include everything from 28 cubic   for developing high torque from a
               of core-tube materials, reinforce-  inch to 80 gallon reservoir sizes and   compact, self-contained, precision
               ment designs and outer covers.  are available in five working days.  machined, drop-in package. Special
                                                                               designs are available.
               Cartridge Valves and            Pumps
               Integrated Circuits             Parker’s hydraulic pumps are    Valves and Controls
               Solutions for complex circuits by   available in fixed or variables   From simple on/off functions to
               matching threaded cartridge valves   displacement models of piston,    precise motion control, valves and
               and integrating them into a single   vane and gear pumps. Engineered to   controls are used on all types of
               manifold is a core competency.  handle a wide range of applications,   mobile equipment. Inline and
                                               they are available with a full comple-  bankable control valves, motion
               Motors                          ment of electronic and computer   controllers, pressure control valves,
               A broad range of high and low speed   controls. Hydraulic pumps are manu-  servo valves and manifold mounted
               motors deliver excellent performance   factured with the finest materials   directional and proportional valves
               with high efficiency, true wear   under strict quality control, resulting   are all available.
               compensation and longer service    in a pump that delivers high efficien-
               life. Parker’s motors provide power   cy and low maintenance under the
               ranging up to 15,000 inch-pounds of   toughest operating conditions.
               torque with speeds ranging from ½
               RPM (Calzoni) to 13,000 RPM (bent
               access). A complete range of sizes
               is offered in gear, gerotor, vane and
               piston style operating configurations.
               Fixed and variable displacement
               motors are available.
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