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DC590+ DC Drive Integrator Series 2
Digital DC Drives - 3 to 2000 HP (15A – 2400A)
Product Overview
The DC590+ Integrator Series of all applications, from basic motor within the package. This innovative
2 sees the next step in the installations through to the most approach radically reduces design
development of DC drive demanding multi-motor systems. time, panel space, wiring time and
technology, derived from over 30 The DC590+ is also available as cost. The DRV concept is unique
years experience in designing DC a “ready to install” drive package and comes from the experience
drives. With its innovative 32-bit called the DRV. This is a single gained from thousands of successful
control architecture, the DC590+ integrated module that includes all applications across a diverse range
has the flexibility and functionality the associated power components of industries.
to more than meet the requirements
The DC590+ is easily
integrated into new or
existing systems, offering
improved levels of
performance and productivity.
As part of the full DC drives
product range, the DC590+
further confirms Parker SSD
Drives’ position as the market
leader in DC drive technology.
Product Overview Chart
DC590+ Integrator Series 2
DC506/ DC512C/514C
Simple 507/508
12 Amps 32 Amps 2700 Amps
Advanced Control Architecture
Benefitting from the improved • Faster drive response
performance of a 32-bit RISC • Greater control capabilities
processor, the DC590+ Integrator • Increased math and logic
Series 2 delivers enhanced function blocks
functionality and increased
flexibility, making it suitable • Enhanced diagnostic and
for use in a wider range of more programming functionality
complex applications. • Common programming tools
with other SSD Drives models