Page 4 - Parker - DC590+ integrator series 2
P. 4

Next Generation Technology         Feedback Options
           Building upon the highly successful   The DC590+ has a range of options
           DC590+ drive used in thousands     which are compatible with the most    Whatever the complexity of your
           of applications world-wide, the    common feedback devices enabling      control scheme, the DC590+ has
           DC590+ Integrator Series 2         simple motor control through to       the interface to suit. As standard
           drive takes DC motor control to    the most sophisticated multi-motor    there’s enough analog and
           the next level. With its state-of-  system. Armature voltage feedback    digital I/O for the most complex
           the-art advanced 32-bit control    is standard without the need for any   applications. Alternatively, add
           architecture, the DC590+ drive     interface option.                     the relevant ‘technology box’
           delivers highly functional and     •  Analog tach generator - AC or DC   for immediate access to serial
           flexible control suited to a whole                                       communications and Fieldbus
           host of industrial applications.   •  Encoder - 5, 12, 15, or 24V        networks. The DC590+ has been
                                                                                    designed to fit seamlessly, and
           Providing control for some of      •  Optical fiber microtach encoder    without compromise, into any
           the most demanding motor                                                 control environment.
           control applications, Parker’s DC   Interface Options
           experience and technologies are
           some of the most advanced in the   Designed with connectivity in         Analog/Digital Control
           industrial marketplace. With drives   mind, the DC590+ has a number      •  5 Analog Inputs
           from 1 Amp through to 2700 Amps,   of communications and I/O                 (12 bit + sign)
           Parker can provide the optimum     options that allow the drive to take   •  3 Analog Outputs
           solution to suit any application.  control of the application, or be
                                              integrated into a larger system.      •  9 Digital Inputs (5 configurable)
           Typical Applications               When combined with function           •  3 Digital Outputs
                                              programming, custom functions
           • Converting machinery             and control can be easily created     Serial Communications and
                                              offering the user a highly flexible
           • Plastics and rubber              and versatile platform for DC         Fieldbus Options
             processing machinery             motor control.                        •  Profibus-DP   •  Ei Bisynch
                                                                                    •  Canopen    •  LINK
           • Wire and cable                   Programming/                          •  Modbus RTU    •  Devicenet
           • Material handling                Operator Controls                     •  RS422/RS485   •  Modbus+

           • Automotive                       Featuring an intuitive menu           •  Controlnet   •  Ethernet
                                              structure, the ergonomically
           Function Block Programming         designed operator panel allows
                                              quick and easy access to all
           Function Block Programming is      parameters and functions of           All DC590+ units are available
           a tremendously flexible control    the drive via a bright, easy to        as non-regenerative or full
           structure that allows an almost    read backlit display and tactile      4-Quadrant line regenerative
           infinite combination of user       keypad. Additionally, it provides               models
           functions to be realized with ease.   local control of start/stop, speed
           Each control function (an input,   demand and rotation direction
           output, process PID for example)    to greatly assist with machine
           is represented as a software block   commissioning.
           that can be freely interconnected
           to all other blocks to provide any   • Multi-Language alpha-numeric
           desired action.
           The drive is shipped with the
           function blocks pre-configured     • Customized parameter values
           as a standard DC drive so you        and legends
           can operate it straight from the   • On drive or remote mounting
           box without further adjustments.
           Alternatively you can create your   • Local control of start/stop,
           own control strategy with DSE        speed and direction
           Lite software, often eliminating the
           need for an external PLC and its   • Quick set-up menu
           associated complexity and cost.                                           Standard 6901 MMI/Programming Key-
                                                                                     pad is easy to use, and may be remote
                                                                                     mounted. It is compatible with other SSD
                                                                                     Drives models
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