Page 10 - Parker - hydraulic motors M5AS/M5ASF
P. 10

Catalogue HY29-0024/UK                              Hydraulic Motors, Fixed
                  Technical data                                    M5AS/M5ASF, Denison Vane Motors

                                                                                   M5AS 025 Noise Level M5AS 025
                nOISe leVel
                                                                             500 rpm
                                                                           1000 rpm   M5AS - 025
                                                                           500 RPM
                                                                           1000 RPM
                                                                           1500 rpm
                                                                 Lp. Noise level [db(A)]  1m ISO 4412  LP Noise level [dB(A)]  70
                                                                           1500 RPM
                                                                           2000 rpm
                                                                           2000 RPM
                                                                      0      50     100    150    200    250    300
                                                                                        Pressure p (bar)
                                                                                      Pressure p [bar]
                MInIMUM rePlenISHMenT PreSSUre                  The hydraulic circuit should be designed in a way that when switching off
                DUrIng DeCeleraTIOn                             the hydraulic motor, it remains supplied with fluid, without risk of cavitation
                                                                (anti-cavitation valve may be needed).
                                                                Uni rotational M5AS* Motors are fitted with an internal anti-cavitation
                                                                        necessary pressure [bar absolute] at B port of
                                                                                Minimum Outlet port pressure for uni-rotationnal motors
                                                                           M5aS* uni-rotational during deceleration
                                                                                     Oil Azolla ZS32 T=45°C (26 cSt)
                                                                    7 6           ISO VG 32 @ 45°C
                                                                   Pressure p [bar] Absolute  P [bar]  5 4 3 2

                                                                    0 1
                                                                      0   10  20  30  40   50  60  70   80  90  100
                                                                                          Q [l/min]
                                                                                        B g A [l/min]

                r Or l rOTaTIOn new rotation concept - (Patent pending) :
                R or L rotation are featuring a new internal concept where A is always “in” and B is always “out”.
                                                 with prop. pressure
                                 with pressure relief valve  relief valve
                                                                 View from shaft end : CW or CCW rotations  A = inlet
                                                                                              B = outlet

 A     B        A      B         A      B        A      B
     o i t a t o r - i B  n n  l e  U  o i t a t o r - i n  n n  l e  Uni-rotationnel + LP  U  o i t a t o r - i n  n n  + l e
                                                  LP proportionnal
                BI-rOTaTIOnal (n)

                                View from shaft end : CW rotation     A = inlet
                                                           B = outlet
                                              CCW rotation   A = outlet
                                                           B = inlet
                A      B         A     B          A      B         A      B
                     o i t a t o r - i B  n n  l e  U  o i t a t o r - i n  n n  l e  Uni-rotationnel + LP  U  o i t a t o r - i n  n n  + l e
                                                                   LP proportionnal
                OPTIOn FOr M5aS - M5aSF UnI-rOTaTIOnal MOTOrS : anTI STarVe ValVe
                                  An anti-starve check valve can be screwed directly onto the B port of the
                                  uni-rotational motors, to ensure the minimum replenishment pressure during
                                  deceleration phases of high inertia systems (i.e. fan drive).
                                                                                                      F L O W
                                  Parker DT series check valves
                                  Ex : for SAE 12 treads DT - 750 - MOMF - 65
                A      B
                                                          DT - 75   - MOMS - 65
                  + Anti-starve
                                                                  10                       Parker Hannifin SAS
                                                                                           VPDE, Denison Vane Motors
                                                                                           Vierzon - France
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