Page 15 - Parker - Isysnet serial bus system selection guide
P. 15

Isysnet     13

            Step 4 - Select Cables and Cordsets
            Selecting Accessories

            Cables and Cordsets
            Isysnet  Digital Input Module Cables

                                                             Recommended Rockwell        Recommended Rockwell
                                                             Automation Patchcord        Automation Male Cordset
              Catalog Number    For Using:                   (double-ended)              (single-ended)

              PSSN8M12A         2 inputs per connector       879D-F4ACDM-x               879-C3AEDM4-5
                                1 input per connector        889D-F4ACDM-x               889D-M4AC-y
              PSSN8M8A          3-pin pico connectors        889P-F3ABPM-x
              PSSP8M8A                                                                   889P-M3AB-y
                                4-pin pico connectors        889P-F4ABPM3-x
                                —                            889M-F12AHMU-z              889M-F12AH-y
            x = length in meters (1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 standard)
            y = length in meters (2, 5, and 10 standard)
            z = length in meters (1, 2, and 3 standard)
            For more cables and cordsets, please refer to

            Isysnet Digital Output Module Cables
                                                             Recommended Rockwell        Recommended Rockwell
                                                             Automation Patchcord        Automation Male
              Catalog Number    For  Using:                  (double-ended)              (single-ended)

                                2 inputs per connector       879D-F4ACDM-x               879-C3AEDM4-5
                                1 input per connector        889D-F4ACDM-x               889D-M4AC-y
                                3-pin pico connectors        889P-F3ABPM-x
              PSST8M8A                                                                   889P-M3AB-y
                                4-pin pico connectors        889P-F4ABPM3-x
            x = length in meters (1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 standard)
            y = length in meters (2, 5, and 10 standard)
            For more cables and cordsets, please refer to

            Isysnet Relay Output Module Cables

                                     Recommended Rockwell Automation          Recommended Rockwell Automation Male
              Catalog Number         Patchcord (double-ended)                  Cordset (single-ended)
              PSSTR4M12A             889D-F4ACDM-x                            889D-M4AC-y

            x = length in meters (1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 standard)
            y = length in meters (2, 5, and 10 standard)
            For more cables and cordsets, please refer to

                                                                             Publication PSS-SG001A-EN-P – June 2005
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