Page 7 - Parker- Parker global air preparation system
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Catalog 0750-3 US Parker Global Air Preparation Products Catalog 0750-3 US Parker Global Air Preparation Products
Global Air Preparation System Introduction Global Air Preparation System Introduction
Together we can power your
application with clean, dry air
Fast cycle times, high product quality, and low downtime all require a clean, dry
pneumatic system to function properly. Parker has what it takes to make sure Stages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
pneumatic systems perform at their best.
Function Air Compressor Bulk Liquid Particulate Coalescing Air Dryers Hydrocarbon
Removal Filtration Filtration Removal
All pneumatic Basic pneumatic Basic pneumatic Systems requiring Systems requiring Systems requiring
Application systems systems systems highest quality air. air with reduced highest quality air for
Clean, dry pneumatic systems with Air leaving the Removes bulk Removes solid Removes liquid moisture content critical applications
Removal of odors
Removes water
Parker Global Air Preparation Description compressor room at liquid contamination particulates down to aerosols and vapor from air and trace vapors for
5 micron, and
93ºC (200ºF) releases and protects filters
stream. Dew point
critical applications.
95% of its moisture
reduced down to 4ºC
particulates (not
where excess cooling the separation of
into the piping takes place in the bulk contaminants. vapor) down to (40ºF) (refrigeration)
system when it cools distribution piping 0.01 micron. or -40ºC (-40ºF)
to 38ºC (100ºF) (desiccant).
Parker Customer P3TF P31, P32, P33 P31, P32, P33 PRD Refrigeration P31, P32, P33
Global Air supplied Bulk Liquid Particulate Filter Coalescing Filter Dryer, DAS & PTW Activated Carbon
Preparation Separator Regenerative (Adsorber) Filter
Solution Desiccant Dryer
Stage 2
As air is compressed For every 11°C (20°F) 3
to 7 bar (100 psig)
that the air cools
and higher, the relative after leaving the heat
humidity quickly of the compressor,
reaches 100% RH and 50% of the moisture
air temperatures can condenses into liquid Bulk liquid separators 4
reach between remove condensed
110°C and 200°C into the system. liquids after the
(230°F and 392°F). aftercooler, receiver, Clean
The excess moisture or anywhere within the Particulate filters are 5
condenses and distribution system. used for the removal
collects in the receiver of solid particle
tank and distribution Bulk liquid separators contaminants down to
lines. This condensate also help protect 5 micron, as well as Coalescing filters are Dry Air
must be removed. downstream filters the removal of designed to remove
in the system where condensed liquids water and oil aerosols
excess cooling takes (not vapor) and
place. Note: Water and oil, particulate from air
in vapor form, pass streams down to 0.01
through general micron in size. 6
purpose particulate
filters. Installed in pairs,
Particulate and
This type of filter Coalescing filters
Refrigeration and
Key should be used as ensure a continuous lower the air's dew 7
a prefilter for the supply of high quality desiccant dryers
Particulate coalescing (oil air.
removal) filter. point by removing
Oil water vapor, providing Hydrocarbon and oil
appropriately dry air vapors are removed
Water for the downstream using filters utilizing
activated carbon.
Oil Vapor Airborne hydrocarbons
Water Vapor are often left over from
the compressor oils.
6 Parker Hannifin Corporation 7 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Pneumatic Division Pneumatic Division
Richland, Michigan Richland, Michigan