Page 5 - Parker - Process filtration
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Industrial Filtration
A Core Expertise
Parker domnick hunter Process Filtration serves a vast range of applications such as inks, paints and coatings, industrial
chemicals, petrochemicals, petroleum, as well as water treatment. Our top-performing products are backed by a global
network of factory-trained distributors and technical support teams.
Through our Technical, R&D and Customer Service Teams, we offer a wide range of services and solutions to ensure total
customer satisfaction.
Our Technical Support Group (TSG) is Our R&D teams are constantly working An experienced team of professionals
dedicated to the needs of industrial to innovate new products and discover dedicated to respond quickly and
filtration users worldwide. We have technologies that will enhance the comprehensively to orders – for both
an extensive range of state-of-the performance of process filtration, and standard and customized products
art analytical instrumentation and keep us at the forefront of process – and ensure their on-time delivery
a highly qualified team of scientists filtration technology. worldwide.
and engineers generating innovative
solutions to a wide variety of filtration
needs. We strive to optimize our
customers’ filtration applications by
offering full technical support that
• Process failure analyses
• Contamination analyses
• Process & cost improvement audits
• On-site testing services
Toll free sales & technical support:
1 877 784 2234
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