Page 1 - Parker - Amine filtration
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Amine Filtration
For Amine Treating Units in Oil
Refi neries, Natural Gas Processing
Plants and Ammonia Plants
Market Application Publication
Customer Value
Amine solutions are used to purify gas
streams by removing hydrogen sulfi de
(H S) and Carbon Dioxide (CO ).
The most commonly used amines
for removal of H S and CO gases
are Monoethanolamine (MEA),
Diethanolamine (DEA) and
Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA).
Particulate contaminates in the amine
solution can cause serious processing
upsets which reduce gas processing
Parker’s amine fi ltration vessels and
cartridges help reduce particulate
contaminate levels in the amine for
improved process control, greater gas
processing capabilities, and increased
life of your amine solution.
Contact Information Natural gas for residential and commercial use must have CO (reduces heat value)
and H S (toxic in high concentrations) fi ltered out. Plant gas, a by-product in oil
refi neries, is used to fi re heaters or boilers, and requires H S removal as well.
Parker Hannifi n Corporation 2
domnick hunter
Process Filtration - North America
2340 Eastman Avenue Challenge
Oxnard, California, USA 93030
Solids entering amine units can include: These solids can cause a variety of
toll free +1 877 784 2234 • Pipe scale, rust and iron sulfi de problems in amine units:
phone +1 805 604 3400 • Salt precipitate from the sweetening • Iron sulfi de and other solids can
fax +1 805 604 3401 process contribute to foaming in towers • Mineral precipitate from makeup water • Solids that build up on the trays reduce
• Charcoal fi nes from carbon fi lters system effi ciencies ltration • Solids that build up in the system
cause corrosion, plugging, and poor
heat transfer