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The Parker Solution

        Filtration takes place at the inlet gas    Amine Filtration for Amine Treating Units in Oil Refi neries,
        stream prior to the entrance to the           Natural Gas Processing Plants and Ammonia Plants
        contactor (1) to remove solids prior
        to a coalescer that removes entrained
                                                                         Carbon  4
        liquids from gas streams. Placement                              Filter
        of a fi lter on the rich side (amine that                                     Cooler
        contains aborbed acid gases) of the                                3                 Surge Tank
        amine (2) protects fouling of the fl ash
        tank, lean/rich exchangers, stripper                        3          Filter                Condenser
        and reboiler, provided the fi lter
        housings are fl ushed with water prior
        to media changeout, to drive out any
                                                                                   Lean/Rich           Reflux
        hydrogen sulfi de gas. Th  is location is                  Carbon       Heat Exchanger      Stripper
        on the cool side of the process and is     1       Sweet   Filter                                 Reboiler
        well-suited to the use of polypropylene                   Lean
        fi lters such as MegaBond Plus,                                          Mechanical
                                                           Sour                    Filter
        PolyMate or ParMax.                                 Gas         2
                                                  Sour Gas
        Filters should also be placed ahead             Coalescer                          Rich
        (3) of the charcoal fi lter to prevent                                             Solvent
                                                                              Flash Tank
        fouling of the bed and after (4) the                           Rich   Separator
                                                                       Solvent      Liquid
        charcoal fi lter to trap carbon fi nes that                    Filter       Hydrocarbon
        may migrate from the bed onto the
        contactor trays.
                                              POSITION  APPLICATION   PURPOSE        FILTER      MICRONS
        Th  e recommended Parker fi ltration                       PROTECTION OF   MEGABOND +
        media for use in amine solutions         1      SOUR GAS     COALESCER     ABSO-MATE      5 - 10
        include:                                                                   MAXGUARD
        •  ProBond Resin Bonded Depth Filter                                       ABSO-MATE
                                                                    REMOVAL OF
         Cartridge Series                        2      RICH AMINE                 POLYMATE       5 - 25
                                                                    SCALE, RUST
        •  MegaBond Plus Melt Blown Filter                                          PARMAX
         Cartridge Series
        •  Abso-Mate Pleated Filter Cartridge                         PREVENT      ABSO-MATE
                                                       PRE-FILTER TO
         Series                                  3     CARBON BED   CARBON BED     POLYMATE       5 - 25
        •  PolyMate Pleated Filter Cartridge                          FOULING       PARMAX
         Series                                                                    ABSO-MATE
        •  ParMax Pleated & Large Diameter             POST FILTER    PREVENT      POLYMATE
                                                 4                  CARBON FINE                   5 - 25
         Filter Cartridge Series                       CARBON BED    MIGRATION      PARMAX
        •  MaxGuard High Capacity Filter                                           MAXGUARD
         Cartridge Series
                                             High quality particulate-reduction fi ltration using the fi lter types provided will increase
                                             product and intermediate yields by measurable percentages, depending on the levels
                                             of contaminants present and the degree (rating) of fi ltration selected. Consult your
                                             Parker representative or Parker Technical Services for the best recommendation and
                                             product selection for your specifi c application.

        © 2009 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation                                                        MAP-O&G-003  04/09 Rev. B
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