Page 3 - Proportion-Air - Fluid Power and Fluid Control Solutions for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry
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       “Intrinsically  Safe”,  “Explosion  Proof”  &  “Nonincindive”  are  methods  of  protection  against  damage  or  loss  of  life
       resulting of ignition of a combustible atmosphere. Intrinsic Safety, as a method of protection, limits the energy available
       in  the  hazardous  (classified)  area  so,  under  normal  operation  or  with  a  fault(s)  present,  an  ignition  and  resulting
       explosion and fire cannot occur. Explosion Proof, as a method of protection, completely contains any explosion and fire
       and quenches the resulting high temperature gasses to prevent ignition to the surrounding atmosphere. Nonincindive is
       a method of protection in which any spark or thermal effect, produced under normal operating conditions, is incapable
       of causing ignition of a specified mixture of flammable or combustible material in air.

               The ISQB is rated Intrinsically Safe for Class I, II, & III, Division 1, Groups C, D, E, F, & G*
                                  The ISQB requires the use of Intrinsically Safe Barriers

       The  ISF1  is  rated  Nonincindive  for  use  in  Class  I,  Division  2,  Groups  C  &  D,  with  intrinsically  safe
       process  connections  for  Class  I,  Division  1,  Groups  A,  B,  C,  &  D;  Suitable  for  Class  II,  Division  2,
       Groups  F  &  G  with  intrinsically  safe  process  connections  for  Class  III  indoor/outdoor  (Type  4x)
       hazardous classified locations. Intrinsically safe process connections refers to process connections that
       under any condition of installation or operation will not change the nature of the hazardous (classified)
       area from a Division 2 to a Division 1 location*. The ISF1 does not require the use of Intrinsically Safe

        *Further information that is pertinent to your locale is available from any of the approving bodies such as Factory Mutual, Underwriters
        Laboratories, CSA and a number of European certifying agencies.
        *These ratings do not account for mechanisms of ignition from external sources.
        *These ratings do not mean the certified units will continue to function after a combustion event.

       PIGGING  is  the  process  of  inspecting,  cleaning  or  performing  various  maintenance  operations  on
       pipelines. The ‘Pig’ is launched from the pig launcher into the pipeline
       and controlled by regulating the flow of air, oil, natural gas or simply
       the product that is transferred in the pipeline. This process has been
       used  for  many  years  and  with  great  success  in  the  oil  and  gas

       Proportion-Air’s  Flow  Control  Packages  offer  ‘real-time’  feedback
       which equates to instant responses to changes in command or system
       fluctuations. These units are perfect for air-driven pigging systems.

       Using  differential  pressure  technology  and  various  configurations,
       Proportion-Air’s flow control packages will control flow ranges as low
       as 2 to 20 SCFH (1 to 10 lit/min) and as high as 25 to 250 SCFM (708                  FQB3 & F-Series Flow Monitor
       to 7080 lit/min). These packages produce excellent repeatability of +/- 0.25%        *Not rated for hazardous locations

                                                      OIL & GAS *  PROPORTION-AIR.COM  *  LET’S TALK:  317.335.2602  |  877.331.1738    3
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