Page 5 - Parker - PGP/PGM500 Series
P. 5

Catalog HY09-0500/US                              PGP/PGM500 Series
            PGP/PGM505 Ordering Code                          Single or Multiple Aluminum Pumps & Motors

            PGP/PGM 505 How to Specify

                                                             Omit for tandem           Continue for tandem 3
                                                 Side   Side   Rear   Rear                    Side   Side   Rear   Rear
            Gear                                 Suction  Pressure  Suction  Pressure        Suction  Pressure  Suction  Pressure
            Design                               Port  Port  Port 1  Port 1                   Port  Port  Port 1  Port 1
            	 PG	  	  505	  	  	  	   	   	   	   	   	    	  	    	   	   	 505

                 1        2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  12   13   14   15  16   17   18   19   20  21

             1 Pump/Motor                      5 Shaft                            8,9,10,11,18,19,20,21
                                                                                  Port Options
             P	  Pump                          A1  9T, 16/32 Pitch, 32L, SAE "A" spline
             M	  Motor                         A2	 9T,	20/40	Pitch,	27L,	SAE	"AA"	spline  B1  No ports
                                               J1	 Ø12.7,	3.2	Key,	no	thread,	38L,	parallel  D2	 9/16"	-	18	UNF	thread
             2,15 Unit                         K1  Ø15.88, 4.0 Key, no thread, 32L,   D3	 3/4"	-	16	UNF	thread
                                                  SAE "A", parallel               D4  7/8" - 14 UNF thread
                   Pump          Motor
                                                                                  D5* 1 1/16" - 12UN thread
             A	  Single	unit	  Standard	Motor  6 Shaft End Covers
             	       	         w/o	checks                                         *Not usable for rear ports
             B   Multiple unit   Standard Motor  A1  50.8x50.8 - Ø45.25
                              w/ two checks        4bolt square flange            12 Motor Drain Option 2
             C      —         Standard Motor   H1	 82.5	-	Ø50.8	SAE	"A-A"	2bolt	flange
                            w/one anti cavitation   H2  106.4 - Ø82.55 SAE "A" 2bolt flange  B1  No drain
                               check (ACC)                                        A	 7/16"-20	UNF	thread
             D      —       Motor w/check valve   7,17 Shaft Seal                 C  9/16"-18 UNF thread
                               and restrictor
                                               X   No seal
             3,16 Displacement                 N	  NBR                            13 Drain Position 2
                                               V   FPM, FKM
             0020	  2.0	ccm	(0.12	cir)                                            2   Drain on bottom
             0030	  3.0	ccm	(0.18	cir)                                            3   Drain on top
             0040	  4.0	ccm	(0.24	cir)                                            4	  Rear	drain
             0050	  5.0	ccm	(0.31	cir)
             0060	  6.0	ccm	(0.37	cir)
             0070   7.0 ccm (0.43 cir)                                            14 Section Connection
             0080   8.0 ccm (0.49 cir)                                            S   Separate inlets
             0100   10.0 ccm (0.61 cir)                                           C  Common inlets
             0110   11.0 ccm (0.67 cir)
             0120   12.0 ccm (0.73 cir)

             4 Rotation                       NOTES:
             C	  Clockwise                    1  Only coded for the last section.
             A	  Counter	clockwise            2  Only for motors
             B	  Bi-directional	motors	only   3  For further "B" triple unit repeat
                                                 displacement, shaft seal between
                                                 sections, side suction port, side pressure
                                                 port, rear suction port,rear pressure port.
                                              4.  Dimensions are in millimeters except
                                                 where noted.
            Please	note	the	bold,	italicized	items	  5.  Distributor unit contains shaft with
            reflect	Parker	preferred	product	options.     add on capability for multiples.

                                                              5                        Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                       Gear Pump Division
                                                                                       Kings Mountain, North Carolina USA
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10