Page 2 - Parker - Ethernet Powerlink
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ETHERNET Powerlink
MotionBus Systems from the
Global Leader in Motion Control
Parker understands the
challenges facing OEMs in high-
tech industries. To help meet
their challenges, Parker’s team
of highly experienced motion
system designers use a systematic
project management process to
deliver the most advanced linear
motion technologies available.
For all industrial automation
solutions, Parker Automation
combines speed, accuracy and
high-load capability to give
machine builders and OEMs a
competitive edge.
Medical device manufacturers Parker is the only supplier that
utilize Parker’s integrated can provide complete technical
automation solutions specifically and engineered solutions
designed to reduce time-to- to OEMs for any packaging
market and engineering costs requirement. Parker’s innovative
while improving compliance with engineering, breadth of line,
today’s stringent government worldwide distribution, and
regulations. outstanding customer service set
the standard for the industrial
For semiconductor manufacturers, motion market in all these areas:
our extensive expertise in
vacuum preparation, cleanroom • Application analysis
facilities and large-format • Engineering assistance
systems enable us to design and • Systems design
build motion components and • Assemblies, kits and
systems that increase throughput subsystems
with increased precision, • 2-year warranty
coordinated motion. • ISO certified
• Global support and services
2 Parker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical Automation Division • 800-358-9070 •