Page 11 - Wago_Rail-MountedTerminalBlockSystems_Volume1_2015_US.pdf
P. 11

– Simply Jumpered –
          Handling Push-In Type Jumper Bars                                                                         1
          Angle-Type Rail-Mounted Terminal Blocks                                                                   9


          The push-in type jumper system is based on the common   The smart feature:  Push-in type jumper bars
          plug and socket principle. Each terminal block is   Jumper slots can also be used for:  800 V
          spring-loaded with a double socket and a resilient CrNi   ·  push-in type jumper bars and step-down jumpers   600 V U
          steel spring. Therefore the jumpers, which consist of cath-  ·  test plug adapters and testing taps  550 V 4
          ode copper, can be produced with particularly small   ·  preharnessed plugs for subassembly connections.
          dimensions. This does not impair their load carrying capac-
          ity in accordance with the terminal block rated current.
          Ground terminal blocks can also be commoned using the
          same jumper system. Custom jumpers are created by
          breaking and removing jumper contacts (2000, 2001,
          2002, 2004 Series).

          Push-in type jumper bar            Push-in type jumper bar            Removal of push-in type jumper bar
          Breaking off jumper contacts (picture shows pin 3)  Marking a customized push-in type jumper bar using a felt-  Insert the operating tool between the jumper and the parti-
          500 V                              tip pen.                           tion wall of the dual jumper slots.
          300 V U                                                               Place the operating tool in the center of jumpers up to 5
                                                                                contacts (see above), or alternately on both sides for jump-
                                                                                ers with more than 5 contacts.

                                                                                With continuous terminal strips an end plate must be used
                                                                                when changing from 3- to 4-conductor terminal blocks.
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