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P. 307

contacts are green

                   Our subsidiaries

                   ... and the addresses of our sales partner worldwide are available at:

                   USA                                 CANADA                              GREAT BRITAIN
                   Wieland Electric Inc.               Wieland Electric Inc.               Wieland Electric Ltd.
                   North American Headquarters         North American Headquarters         Riverside Business Centre,
                   2889 Brighton Road                  2889 Brighton Road                  Walnut Tree Close
                   Oakville, Ontario L6H 6C9           Oakville, Ontario L6H 6C9           GB-Guildford /Surrey GU1 4UG
                   Phone  +1 905 8298414               Phone  +1 905 8298414               Phone  +44 1483 531213
                   Fax     +1 905 8298413              Fax     +1 905 8298413              Fax     +44 1483 505029

                   FRANCE                              SPAIN                               ITALY
                   Wieland Electric SARL.              Wieland Electric S.L.               Wieland Electric S.r.l.
                   Le Céramê Hall 6                    C/ Maria Auxiliadora 2 bajos        Via Edison, 209
                   47, avenue des Genottes             E-08017 Barcelona                   I-20019 Settimo Milanese
                   CS 48313                            Phone  +34 93 2523820               Phone  +39 02 48916357
                   95803 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex          Fax     +34 93 2523825              Fax     +39 02 48920685
                   Phone  +33 1 30320707     
                   Fax     +33 1 30320714

                   BELGIUM                             DENMARK                             SWISS
                   ATEM-Wieland Electric NV            Wieland Electric A/S                Wieland Electric AG
                   Bedrijvenpark De Veert 4            Vallørækken 26                      Harzachstrasse 2b
                   B-2830 Willebroek                   DK-4600 Køge                        CH-8404 Winterthur
                   Phone  +32 3 8661800                Phone  +45 70 266635                Phone  +41 52 2352100
                   Fax     +32 3 8661828               Fax     +45 70 266637               Fax     +41 52 2352119

                   POLAND                              CHINA                                JAPAN
                   Wieland Electric Sp. Zo.o.          Wieland Electric Trading             Wieland Electric Co, Ltd.
                   Św. Antoniego 8                     Unit 2703                            Three One Building 1F
                   62-080 Swadzim                      International Soho City              3-20-5 Shinyokohama
                   Phone  +48 61 2225400               889 Renmin Rd., Huang Pu District    Kouhoku-ku
                   Fax     +48 61 8407166              PRC- Shanghai 200010                 Yokohama City 222-0033
                   Phone  +86 21 63555833               Phone  +81 45 473 5085
                                                       Fax     +86 21 63550090              Fax     +81 45 470 5408

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