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        Nickel Plating
        Market Application Publication


        Nickel is widely used in hard disk
        drive manufacturing as a conducting
        material. The nitride film is commonly
        deposited in batch plating baths using
        Nickel sulfate solution and certain
        surfactants.  Filtration is performed
        in a recirculation loop in a multiple-
        round housing of 20-inch or 30-inch

        Contact Information:                   Challenge:

        Parker Hannifin Corporation            The most commonly used filter for   clean out the system and prevent
        Process Advanced Filtration Division   this application is a PES (Poly Ether   excessive ‘plate out’. This is typically
        2340 Eastman Avenue                    Sulfone) or PS (Polysulfone) membrane   a 60-80°C aqueous mixture up to
        Oxnard, California, USA 93030          with PP (Polypropylene) supports    40% acid concentration, which
                                               and hardware. These materials are   weakens the polypropylene materials
        Toll Free: +1 877 784 2234             compatible with most Ni plating     and forces premature change-outs.
        Phone: +1 805 604 3400                 bath chemistries and provide a cost-  Lifetime of the standard filter is only
        Fax: +1 805 604 3401                   effective solution. While the standard   one month. The challenge is to find a                    bath chemistries do not require very   filter that will be compatible with the
                                               resilient materials, a nitric acid flush   plating chemistry and nitric flushes                         is performed after each batch run to   while reducing overall filtration costs.
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