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The Parker Solution


               The Fluoroflow-SELECT™ is              Comparison of Ni Plating Filters
               an all-fluoropolymer cartridge
               that is compatible with the
               most aggressive Nitric acid                                                      Fluoroflow
               flushes. Unique SELECT pleating                            PES         PS         SELECT
               technology increases filtration
               area and flow rate by over 70%      Membrane               PES          PS          PTFE
               versus standard filters. This       Hardware                PP          PP           PFA
               has enabled  dramatic success
               in Nickel plating applications      Diameter               2.75”       2.75”        2.75”
               at several sites. Filter service    Compatibility           D           D             A
               life increased from 1 month
               to 12 months due to chemical        Rating                  0.1         0.1          0.1
               compatibility and increased         FSA (10”)                7          9            12
               filtration area. Although the
               price of the individual cartridge   Flow (gpm/psid)         1.8         3.0          4.6
               was higher, overall filter costs    Lifetime                 1          1            12
               were reduced by 16%. Fewer
               change-outs also decreased          Price                  $80         $80          $800
               labor costs by 90%. The             Changeouts              12          12            1
               biggest bonus, however, was
               the yield improvements that         Cost/filter/mo         $80         $80           $67
               were seen. Higher flow rate
               of the Fluoroflow-SELECT
               increased bath turnover, which
               reduced particle levels. This
               was confirmed by inline particle
               testers. The inherent cleanliness   Summary:
               of the PTFE/PFA materials may
               also have contributed to lower     Industry      Microelectronics - Nickel plating for hard disk drives
               particle counts.
                                                  Challenge   Lifetime, chemical compatibility, flow rates
               Table 1 summarizes the filtration
               comparison of the standard         Solution      Parker Fluoroflow-SELECT all-fluoropolymer
               filters and the Fluoroflow-XL.
               •   Benefits:                      Results       Dramatic lifetime improvement, lower defect levels,
                 Increased filter lifetime by 12x             reduced costs
                 Decreased filter costs by 16%
                 Decreased labor by 90%

                                                                                           © 2008 Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                           Process Advanced Filtration, Inc.
                                                                                                   All Rights Reserved
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