Page 1 - Parker - Parker ProBond competitive advantage filter cartridge evaluations for industrial coatings and applications
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Parker ProBond ™
Competitive Advantage
Filter Cartridge Evaluation for Industrial
Coatings & Ink Applications
Technical Application Publication
This product comparison was initiated
to determine the performance
characteristics of Parker’s Probond in
relation to competitors’ cartridges.
The breakthrough design of Parker’s
ProBond uses a blend of acrylic
and polyester fi bers and a phenol-
formaldehyde resin. It is a patented, two-
stage fi lter cartridge utilizing long, prime
grade fi bers. The fi rst stage is a coarser,
spiral wrapped layer to be a pre-fi lter
for the inner layer and improve service
life. This spiral layer eliminates the need
to machine grooves into the outer
surface. The second stage is a mat of
carefully blended fi bers for effi ciency
performance. In contrast, competitive
products use either polyester or acrylic
fi bers with a phenolic resin to add
strength. This differs signifi cantly from
Parker’s patented process as it can lack
structural pre-fi ltration characteristics
and show performance variations within
each section of multi-length cartridges.
Contact Information Results
Parker-Hannifi n Corporation The test results indicate that Parker ProBond offers signifi cant advantages
domnick hunter over the competitors’ products:
Process Filtration - North America • More accurate ratings differentiation
2340 Eastman Avenue • Higher removal ratings
Oxnard, CA, USA 93030
• Consistent classifying performance characteristics
toll free +1 877 784 2234 • Certifi ed silicone-free construction
phone +1 805 604 3400 • Reduced fi ber dust
fax +1 805 604 3401 ltration