Page 2 - Parker - Fluoropolymer hose and fittings products
P. 2

Catalog 5162F

                        Table of Contents

         Intro                                          1-10

         PAGE “Traditional” Hose & Fittings             Page       PAGE “Industrial” Hose & Fittings           Page
          HOSE                                                     HOSE

          Smooth, True-Bore PTFE Hose        STW/STB     13        Smoothbore .030 Wall            S30/S30B     38
          Page-Flex  SBF                    SBFW/SBFB    14        Smoothbore .040 Wall            S40/S40B     39
          Convoluted PTFE Hose               SCW/SCB     15        High Pressure, up to 4,500 psi   944B        40
                                            PCW/PCB      16        High Pressure 5,500 psi          955B        41

                                            NCW/NCB      17
                                            SCWV/SCBV    18
                                            PCWV/PCBV    19
          Flare-Seal ®                   SCWV-FS/SCBV-FS  20

                                         PCWV-FS/PCBV-FS  21

          Silicone Hose                       SWPV       23

          Rubber Covered Hose               RCTW/RCTB    24

          TUBING                                                   TUBING

         Platinum Cured Silicone              SBP        22        Convoluted Tubing               CWV/CBV      25

          FITTINGS                                                 FITTINGS

          PAGE Crimp Fittings               PAGE Series  27        Crimp Fittings                91N/91 Series  42
          PAGE Collars                                   36                                        94 Series    51
                                                                                                   95 Series    51
                                                                   Field Attachable Fittings       90 Series    52


          Accessories                                    58
          Technical Help                                 60    see back index for detailed listing
          Warranty Statement                             76
          Offer of Sale                                  80

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