Page 5 - Parker - Fluoropolymer hose and fittings products
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We Make Hose Solutions
Standard and Custom Designs (cont.)
Parker PAGE hoses are available in a True Bore design and in standard nominal size hoses. The first section of this catalog, with blue
tables, consist of the True Bore products and fittings. The second section, with red tables, consist of industrial PTFE hoses and fittings.
Fittings for these two products are not interchangeable.
True Bore Smoothbore
PARKER PAGE TRUE BORE Smoothbore PTFE hose has a larger inside diameter (I.D.)
than a traditional, nominal hose. The increased I.D. speeds up the flow of the media
traveling through the tube; in most cases, hoses carry up to 15% more flow.
Features Options
Carries 15% more flow Natural (non-conductive) or black
Page 13 (conductive-static dissipating)
Excellent chemical compatability
Resists moisture Braiding - Stainless Steel
Low friction minimizes pressure Available with double Stainless braid to
drops and deposits handle increased pressures
Protective/Identifying Sleeving - Fire Sleeve,
Heat Shrink and Hose Guards
Industrial Smoothbore
Parker PAGE Industrial S30 and S40 hoses look exactly like a True Bore Hose but the
inside diameter of the hose is smaller in order to facilitate a Field Attachable Fitting.
Features Options
Excellent chemical compatability Natural (non-conductive) or black
Resists moisture (conductive-static dissipating)
Page 42 Low friction minimizes pressure Available in heavy wall, (33% more PTFE)
drops and deposits for greater kink resistance and reduced
Can be used with field permeation
attachable fittings Braiding - Stainless Steel
Protective/Identifying Sleeving - Fire Sleeve,
Heat Shrink and Hose Guards