Page 9 - Parker - Fluoropolymer hose and fittings products
P. 9
PAGE S30 & S40
PAGE Industrial S30 & S40 Hose Assembly Nomenclature
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X 08 H 10 S 68 S 0 0 3 0 0
Assembly Size Hose Fitting Fitting Fitting Fitting Flange Length in Accessory
Code Code Code End 1 Material End 2 Material Material Length in Inches 1/8" Code
End 1 End 2 increments
Assembly Fitting Fitting Accessory
Code Code Material Code
Permanently Pipe Thread Fittings Stainless (SS) S None
Attached Male Pipe NPT Hex 10 Brass B Spring Guard S
Male Pipe NPT Step Up 15 Carbon Steel C Armor Guard A
Field Male Pipe NPT Step Down 20 End Bend Restrictors E
Attachable FA Male Union 11 Fire Sleeve F
Male Union 45° 14 Rubber Sleeve H
Male Union 90° 19 FEP Heat Shrink T
Size Male Union Step Up 16 Polyolefin Heat Shrink P
Code Male Union Step Down 21 Silicone Sleeve M
Female Pipe NPT Hex 55 Internal Spring I
1/8" 03 Female Pipe Step Up 58 Vacuum Spring Wire W
3/16" 04 Female Pipe Step Down 59 Specials X
1/4" 05 Female Union 80
5/16" 06 Female Union Step Up 84
13/32" 08 Female Union Step Down 88
1/2" 10 JIC Fittings
5/8" 12 JIC Female Swivel 68 Example: X08H10S68S0-0300
7/8" 16 JIC Female 45° Elbow 66
1-1/8" 20 JIC Female 90° Elbow 67 Size: 08 (13/32 I.D.) Style: S40
SAE Female Swivel 69 Braid: SS Single Braid
Hose SAE Female 45° Elbow 70 Core: Heavy Wall Smoothbore Convoluted PTFE
Code SAE Female 90° Elbow 71 End 1: 1/2" 316 SS Male NPT
S30 S JIC Female Step Up 64 End 2: 1/2" 316 SS Female 37° Seat JIC Swivel
S30B SB JIC Female Step Down 65
S40 H Tube Stub Fittings
S40B HB Tube Stub 91 Length: 300" from end of Male Pipe to seat of Female JIC
ZS40 R Tube Stub Step Up 93
ZS40B RB Tube Stub Step Down 95 NOTE: Length calculations for PAGE hose assemblies are
944B 944B SAE Male Compression 96 typically made sealing surface to sealing surface per the NAHAD
955B 955B Inverted Flare & Power Trim Fittings Fluoropolymer Hose Assembly Specification Guidelines unless
Male Straight 76
otherwise requested by customer at time of order.