Page 1 - Parker - TruBind 300 Cartridges
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          TruBind  300 Cartridges

          Produced Water and Wastewater

          Treatment Filtration Performance
          Tested in Field Conditions

          Market Application Publication

          Market Summary
          All oil fi elds produce water and
          condensate with the oil and gas during
          production. Produced water often
          contains a high level of dissolved
          and free hydrocarbons after the fi rst
          separation and before it is discharged
          overboard or re-injected into the
          reservoir. The volume of produced
          water from oil and gas wells does
          not remain constant over time. The
          water-to-oil ratio increases over the
          life of a conventional oil or gas well.
          Water makes up a small percentage of
          produced fl uids when the well is new.
          Over time, the percentage of water
          increases and the percentage of
          product declines. For crude oil wells
          nearing the end of their productive lives,
          water can comprise as much as 90% of
          the material brought to the surface.

          Contact Information                  Product Overview                     Purpose

          Parker Hannifi n Corporation         The TruBind 300 oil absorbent fi lter   •  Trial performance of fi lter in actual
          domnick hunter                       has been specifi cally designed for   fi eld conditions
          Process Filtration - North America   the oil and gas industry to remove   •  Test the fi lters ability to meet Oil
          2340 Eastman Avenue                  oil and hydrocarbon contaminants      Pollution Prevention and Control
          Oxnard, California, USA 93030        in produced water streams before      (OPPC) regulations
                                               re-injection or for discharge within   •  To provide like for like data against
          toll free +1 877 784 2234            current statutory levels. Parker      competitor products
          phone +1 805 604 3400                approached one of only two
          fax +1 805 604 3401                  capable laboratories to assess the
               performance of our product and
                                               compare it to main competitors in
 ltration     this fi eld. This document summarizes
                                               the results and fi ndings of that
                                               investigation and is the fi rst time
                                               this test has been conducted in fi eld
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