Page 2 - Parker - TruBind 300 Cartridges
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        Th e TruBind 300 is an innovative   Th  e Parker innovation team         Testing was also carried out on
        absorbent media based fi lter       commissioned an industry recognized   competitive fi lter cartridges to verify
        cartridge designed for use in oily   independent test house to develop   and validate the testing methodology
        water treatment and produced water   a testing methodology, that was     and assess any performance claims.
        polishing applications. Th  e product was   designed to produce optimum end   End users in the oil industry were
        developed using a unique polymeric   use simulation of the product. Th e   surveyed to
        based absorbent to allow oil producers   experience of the selected team and the   ascertain the most relevant operating
        to meet the increasingly challenging   specialized equipment at their disposal   parameters. Typical oil type, droplet
        OPPC regulations of <30 ppm oil in   meant that a valid, real life, test could   size, concentration and typical process
        produced water.                     be carried out to give a valid and   fl ow rates were identifi ed.
                                            realistic indication of the product end
                                            use performance.

        Testing of TruBind 300

        An assessment of performance

        Test Parameters                        Test         Test       Oil Conc.   Oil Droplet   Water   Flow Rate
        North Sea oil industry contacts        Ref.       Product       (ppm)      Size (µm)  Temp (°C)   (gpm)
        were surveyed to ascertain what the    1         TruBind 300     300         20       Ambient      5.3
        most relevant operating parameters
        were. Typical oil droplet size, oil    2         TruBind 300     100         20       Ambient      5.3
        concentration and fl ow rate were      3         TruBind 300     300         30       Ambient      4.0
        ascertained and utilized in the
                                               A         Competitor 1    300         20       Ambient      5.3
        simulated performance tests, these are
        listed below:                          B         Competitor 2    300         20       Ambient      5.3
                                                                                                   Figure 1 - Testing Plan
        •  Oil type: light /medium crude
          (density 844 kg/m3)
        •  Oil droplet size: 20μm           It is worth noting that there is present   Graph 1
        •  Inlet Oil Concentration:         considerable discussion in the industry   120
          300 and 100 ppm                   regarding the relative reduction in
        •  Flow rate: Typical 1.325 and 1 gpm   concentration readings given by the   100
          per 10" (250 mm) fi lter cartridge  OSPAR method. Th  ere is a possibility
                                            that further reductions in effl  uent oil in   80
        Oil in water analysis               water concentrations will be imposed
        Oil in water analysis was carried out   in order that a real reduction in   IR conc. (mg / l)  60
        by solvent extraction and infra red   pollution levels can be attained.   40
        (IR) quantifi cation. Th e procedure
        followed is in line with the previous   Oil droplet and size distribution
        DTI IR method which is referred to as   Oil droplet size was determined using a
        “Methods of Sampling and Analysis of   Galai CIS-1002. Th  e instrument utilizes
        Production and Displacement Water   laser diff raction technology and has a  0  5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40
        Discharges for Exemption from Section   sample cell capable of working at          OSPAR cpmc (mg / l)
        3 of the Prevention of Oil Pollution Act   pressures up to 120 bar. Th  e oily water
        1971”.                              passes through the unit continuously,
                                            allowing analysis to be carried out on
        A correlation of this methodology   line as and when required.
        and the OSPAR GC-FID method is
        presented in Graph 1. Results are
        presented as both measured IR and
        derived CG-FID values.
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